A mist befalls the land. The sound of armor as old as the land itself is heard. The shadow of a great warrior passes. Soon he shall arrive and all will remember him well.
THIS. Is gorgeous.
my deer once had a background of being a miko who had died defending her village from ronin. But I've scrapped that.
I love the fact that there's another Japanese deer here <3 and I adore samurai so much. Kaoori will have to keep an eye out for him.. they could have great conversations
Was it Ferin that saw Optimus Prime today? I'm not sure though, I could be wrong, it's just that a deer with the same set as Ferin came up to Optimus and bowed. x3
Track virginity: stolen.
I love this @.@
The colors, layout, elkshfkljshklsdfhlkdslf.
By Leuvr ♥
I got chills while reading of
Oh mai 8D
By Leuvr ♥
Wow.. Love it
Click for Updates and Bio's
Woah. He's so epic. Reminded
He's so epic. Reminded me of the knight's in 'Dragonheart'.
THIS. Is gorgeous. my deer
my deer once had a background of being a miko who had died defending her village from ronin. But I've scrapped that.
I love the fact that there's another Japanese deer here <3 and I adore samurai so much. Kaoori will have to keep an eye out for him.. they could have great conversations
Tracking~ ^^
"You're from... out there?"
I love his bio!
Was it Ferin that saw Optimus
Yup that was Ferin xDDD I
I knew that deer was optimus ^.^
I was right xDDD
Koji came from Japan too
xP love the bio!
Ferin- defeater of ninjas
~Current Feeling /
Elated / “I feel... complete... Riza”
DAWWWZZZ <3333333 Ferin is so sweet it makes me sick xDDDD
LOL yup that's my Ferin xDD
Riza misses Ferin desperately
(I'm going to write a one shot fiction of her journey
Im back ppl XDD My comp's
My comps better now so expect to see more of Ferin and all my other deer from now on ^.^
"Dear Ferin DON'T DO THAT TO
But... If you do. I'll wait for you. Forever.
There we go lol This needed
This needed an update badly xD I need to try and remember to update this Bio lol
Managed to put in family links lol
Hee I added family section as
*uses rollout of love* 8D
ZEBBIE -smoosh hug- B|
B| that's right you better track this fabulous beast of a stag. GAH WHY DO ALL YOUR MEANS OF CHATTING SUCK SO BAD. EFFING DOWN UNDER. ♥
-smooshes Ferin with love while she's here- xD ♥
lol finally updated this xPPP
I just woke up so I can't
Riza will always love Ferin and will wait for forever if necessary ♥
/plops down, rolls