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"Dis text is blurry"
Starting once his account grows up.... (Probably around December 27)
Does anyone wanna hear a random story? No? Well.... Too bad.
Around the time I had decided to play "The Endless Forest" again after such a long time ago (Not that long, only a few years.... I think....) I saw a deer in the morning that walked across my yard and went to the street in front of my house and disappeared. Now, I don't know if that happened before or after this next story, but anyway.... Apparently, as I was listening to my parent's conversation, I think my dad hit a deer or something and it broke some glass or something (I dun know) but the deer was fineor something....
Previous Events
Does anyone wanna hear a random story? No? Well.... Too bad.
Around the time I had decided to play "The Endless Forest" again after such a long time ago (Not that long, only a few years.... I think....) I saw a deer in the morning that walked across my yard and went to the street in front of my house and disappeared. Now, I don't know if that happened before or after this next story, but anyway.... Apparently, as I was listening to my parent's conversation, I think my dad hit a deer or something and it broke some glass or something (I dun know) but the deer was fine
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CSS by FoxOfTheStars.
Music used: "Momento of NiGHTS", "Solitude"
Test :/
Test :/ This blog hurts my
This blog hurts my eyes
Stupid double click
Darn it, I apparently broke