Crushed;; a poem by Anzel (drama)

Anzel's picture
And so I decide
With a rose and a doubt
To give up all hope
And to throw myself out

And so I collide
All in all gone for good
That my heart shall depart
Where my crush, he once stood

Chismeree, Chismerah
I feel left, I feel right
I must be long forgotten...
Crushed, my heart says good night.


;-; It's a bit cryptic, but...basically, Anzel is going to try and give up her crush on you-know-who...her low self-esteem has assured her that he never liked her anyways.
Hubalaboo's picture

*huggle* <333 That's yet

*huggle* <333
That's yet another beautiful poem...

***Plumeria and Olive's bio***
Kumiko's picture

Oh, Anzel...Do not give up

Oh, Anzel...Do not give up hope. Maybe he has just not realized your feelings yet.


Fan art done by Kana.

†wïlïgh†'§ ÇhïlÐ: Index
Emiva's picture

Poor Anzel... ~ EMIVA'S

Poor Anzel...
