Creature's Story, Chapter 2 ~ Ghosts in the Rain

Vira's picture
Awoken by the soft pitter patter of rain, Creat opened his eyes to an almost scary world. Bats swarmed overhead while rain fought its way through the treetops massive branches. Looking around he was confused. No thanks to his greyscale vision, all the colors about him seemed to blend together. As he stood upon weak legs he called out to the darkness. The only answer was the howl of a lonesome wolf, lost at the outer reaches of the forest. Feeling nothing would harm him, he came out of the small nest like bed he had made for himself earlier. Almost like a minature den for him to keep warm in, for his fur was far to thin to keep him warm alone in such a rainstorm.

Trying to stay under dry patches as to not get wet he spotted a figure atop a hill in the distance. Pressing his nose to the sky he tryed to tell if it was safe to move closer. Slinking along the shadows he crept closer. The figure of a pure white deer stood before him. The deer's eyes shone in the reflective of the moon, as if like they were mirrors. Yet as soon as he had gotten there, Creat felt as if something was wrong. The tall white deer looked down at Creat, warm eyes smiling with kindness, before dissapearing like fog into the rain.

Frightened, Creat backed away from where he stood with the other only moments ago. Something seemed wrong, as if he wasnt supposed to be there. A voice carryed upon the wind caught his attention. Following it slowly, its clarity never showed. The rain was to hard, the wolfs to close, his pelt to wet to carry on. Dashing for his small den that he had made from stones and branches.


FFF i fail at writing storys D:
xhunter's picture

i love the description on

i love the description on the setting. Creat seems cool. good job on the story! Smiling

inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at Smiling
is staring at you. *star*
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at Smiling
Density's picture

CREEPY GHOSTS *clings to

CREEPY GHOSTS *clings to Drache*
FFFFF Get off me woman. It isn't gunna get you.
Oh :| Right <<

Vira's picture

thanks for the comments

thanks for the comments guys ^^