Corsair and Loop! Plus some more updates

fayne's picture
Name: Loop
Age: 16 human years (older teenager)
Gender (if we had any): female
Pictogram: Tricky minx's picto
How to remember it: two arrows with a curve at the bottom and a LOOP in the middle. xDD
Favorite set: none yet
Personality: Cunning and sly, with a tendency to blend in with her surroundings. She does enjoy searching for groups of fawns, and then playing hide-and-seek or tag. Her tag signal would be a bow, a nuzzle, and then a RUNAWAYREALLYFAST. Which means you're it. Hide and seek is the same way. She can be hard to spot.
Build: small, with a big butt.
Friends: Aeros and Naire
Family: Corsair (brother)
Theme song: Real Wild Child
Name: Corsair
Age: 22 human years (young adult)
Gender (if we had any): male
Pictogram: Ugly little wart's picto
How to remember it: looks like a smiley face with a beard, or something. Plus a swirl to represent water. ^^
Favorite set: none yet
Personality: Daring and...very piratey. xDD Can be very much a gentleman, though. A little bit dark.
Build: compact, and a little small for his age.
Friends: Aeros and Naire
Family: Loop (sister)
Theme Song: He's a Pirate (WUT.)
Name: Aeros
Age: adult (maybe 43 in human years)
Picto: Mr. Buttaface's Picto
How to Remember It: It looks a bit like a tree, or an umbrella.
Description: Aeros is a stag. His favorite set is the orca pelt, Long Mask, and poppies on his antlers.
Personality: Aeros is kind and gentle. He loves to tell stories, but other then that he is usually quiet. Although he prefers to keep for himselfm, he will stand up for his friends and loved ones. He is complacent and calm, and not given to getting frightened.
Where to Find Him: Aeros can be found anywhere, but he does not go into the Forest often.
Other: Naire is Aeros's niece.
Theme Song: Never-Ending Story
Name: Naire
Age: young adult (around 19 in human years)
Picto: Pain in the Butt's Picto
How to Remeber It: It looks like a box with a W in it.
Decription: Naire is an antlered Doe. Her favorite set is the gray-and-white pelt, the darks gray antlers that curve down and have curly prongs, and the Great Forest Spirit mask.
Personality: Naire is a bit of a daredevil. She's curious, reckless, and she loves to hang out with older deer. Still, she's always doing her best to protect the fawns from Lieka the Hunter. She's impatient, but she's very flattered if a young stag presents her with antlers. She loves to explore.
Where to Find Her: Naire is everywhere at once. She likes to sleep at the Playground.
Other: Naire is Aeros's niece.
Theme Song: Girlfriend
Burro's picture

-pokes Naire- I was

-pokes Naire- I was wondering who Attreu's twin was. XD All the while I was wondering "Who are you!? D|" since I couldn't find anyone on here with that picto. Haha.
fayne's picture

Bwahaha, I found you! XD I

Bwahaha, I found you! XD I was looking for you over at the forums. We should confuse people with our twin-ness more often!
PM me for a role play, art trade, or anything else!
Leader of the Deermuda Brigade!