Convel's Bio/Blog

Convel's picture

---Under Cut---

Winter Coat

Name: Convel

Gender: Male/stag

Age: adult

Picto: Click

Size: 5

Physical: 90% - Healthy
Mental: 95%
- Content

Appearance in summer: Brown realistic deer, with big white antlers
Appearance in winter: White deer with big white antlers
Summer set on TEF: Real deer pelt, real deer mask, white antlers
Winter set on TEF: Grey pelt, skull mask, white antlers

Convel is a big sized deer. The appearance is realistic, no wings or weird decorations. In summer his pelt is brown and short because of the weather, then in november he starts to shed his fur, and grows thicker white fur. In december his coat completely turns white adjusted to the cold weather. He will start growing his summer coat in february again, and turns completely brown in march.

Personality: Curious deer, likes to inspect things closely. Also very playful with fawns, respectful towards does, but not that much with other stags. Because of his age (just left his young years) he is pretty competitive. What makes him interesting is his occasional mood swings. So fawns look out: From the playing stag the next moment could be a charging tank.

History: Had a pretty normal fawn-hood. With a loving mother, nothing else to say there. When he reached the young stag/buck age, he left the forest out of curiosity to see the world beyond the forest. Now as grown adult, he returned to start a new life at his home.

-Big size
-Big antlers
-High stamina
-High power and pain tolerance

- Slow movements
- Minimum agility
- No tactic

Fighting style:
Because of his abilities and size, you could compare Convel to a tank… and fights like one as well. He waits for his opponent to attack, then points and swings his antlers at them, tiring them out, but saving up his energy. He doesn’t move much during a fight, just stands there, waits for the attack, urging the opponent to strike with body language.
However, when it comes to swifter opponents, he is at a loss. His big size prevents him to move quickly, and becomes an easy target. Still: look out for those hooves. They kick!

Additional informations:
- In the forest, Convel is IC. At all times.
- Convels personality and actions doesnt always match my own. However, i take full responsibility.
- If you have questions, problems, please write a message.
Please note: Convel cannot see 3rd gen pictos!

AngelWings's picture

my computer is having some

my computer is having some issues right now hold on
Convel's picture

okay. i have to go for 20

okay. i have to go for 20 mins. ill be back as quick as possible. ill leave Convel in the forest.

im back
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

lemme try still won't

lemme try still won't let me in! sorry! I'll wok on it..
Convel's picture

Okay. Tell me when it works

Okay. Tell me when it works again.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

I'm so sorry! ;_; I've been

I'm so sorry! ;_; I've been wanting to get on for a couple months, but my computer was rejecting everything to do with Tale of Tales. I finally fixed it though! I feel so bad...
Convel's picture

awww hi! sorry for the late

awww hi! sorry for the late reply, but totally forgot about TEF for a while. its okay, hope to see you soon around the game again.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yaaay!!! I am on vacation in

Yaaay!!! Smiling I am on vacation in Oregon right now and just got wifi, so sorry for the late reply. I am glad you have returned to the forest. Guess what? I carved Yara's pictogram into some sandstone near our campground, Tillicum Campground. I am coming back in a few more days.
Convel's picture

Ah, nice. Have fun then and

Ah, nice. Have fun then and enjoy your vacation! Convel cant wait to meet his Goddess again. Laughing out loud I also made a present for you a while ago. the link to it you can find in yara's bio.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

I had found it a while ago!

I had found it a while ago! It's so cute!!! XD Thank you!
Convel's picture

i think i might still have

i think i might still have the ps file for it. could make Yara's profile pic on her bio from it if you want. just need to add a bit more details and shading ._.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

SQUEEEEEEEE!!! I love your

SQUEEEEEEEE!!! I love your art so much!!! XD
Convel's picture

awww thanks. well i can do

awww thanks. well i can do better now, have enough practice with photoshop now... maybe ill make a new one ._.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

That would be awesome!!!

That would be awesome!!!
Convel's picture

alright, i have made up my

alright, i have made up my mind. I will make a new one, considering my skills are better. so, any special requests about your char? how does she look like exactly? should I copy the set from the game? etc etc...
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

She hasn't changed

She hasn't changed what-so-ever since last time...ehehehe...So...pretty much the same as when you drew her last. Smiling
Convel's picture

alright. gimme a few days.

alright. gimme a few days. anyway, how are you? whats up?
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Ehh...I've been better. The

Ehh...I've been better. The summer break is almost over, and there have been so many fires in Idaho, it's all smoky. I could barely go outside today. But the rest of the summer went well. Three months to be away from all the annoying people I don't like at school! Lol. But on the first of August one dude I don't like who's dating my friend asked me to a party. My mom found it and she was...well...

Mom: "You should totally go!"

I ran into my front yard screaming "HOW DID HE GET MY ADRESSSSSSSS!!! D:<

But otherwise I've been good. I discovered who makes my favorite movies(ghibli) and found Ouran High School Host Club. 'Twas fun. 'Twas fun indeed.

How have you been? It seems like all my TEF friends are achieving so much while I sit and play Okami. Ehehehe...
Convel's picture

lol to me it seems like you

lol to me it seems like you had fun.
and nah... dont have much to say about my summer. was just burning up from the heat, like now. it is unbearable... good thing we got a pool outside lol. im working on your deer atm. got the lineart ready, will be colored in two days (busy with renovations) at least. ill try to be faster, if you want, i can separate your deer from my last drawing from mine and you can use it in your sig.

edit: scratch that. found the files. i pasted the link to it on yara's bio.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Hehe coolio! Thank you! I'll

Hehe coolio! Thank you! I'll go check now.
School starts tomorrow...ugh. I have to get up at 6:00 am...ugh.

Lately though, I've been downloading and making things called Shimejis. They're little people or animals that run around your computer screen. They so cute! I wanna try and make one for one of my deer. It looks complicated...
Convel's picture

hmm I have looked on

hmm I have looked on deviantart. there are many who make them. couldnt be that complicated then.
hmm.. now I just need to figure out when you are on usually, so we can either rp or go on the forest....
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.


Uzulii's picture

Placing a track here

Placing a track here ofcourse! ;D
Siggy by awesome Sypris

Convel's picture

lool thanks. Hope this will

lool thanks. Hope this will be an awesome friendship lol
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
Chickenwhite's picture

Tracks for the cuddles! > w <

Tracks for the cuddles! > w <
Nettlebrier 's picture

Very sorry if Bear was being

Very sorry if Bear was being a nuisance today. And, I guess this is a track too <3
Convel's picture

No, no he was not. Was a nice

No, no he was not. Was a nice fight. If you want Convel can help you too at some point. Just approach him friendly and point him to your herd. Though.. he will wish to share the recognition as herder with you.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
Nettlebrier 's picture

That would be very nice, Con!

That would be very nice, Con! Sad thing is, I dont have a herd x3
Convel's picture

lol will have once. Right now

lol will have once. Right now he cant go into the forest, but tomorrow he might join you to try and gather a herd. depends how things go.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
Nettlebrier 's picture

D'awww thank you very much,

D'awww thank you very much, dear.
Uzulii's picture

Hellouu, Im gonna be afk for

Hellouu, Im gonna be afk for a while ! But I hope to returnt soon ^^
Siggy by awesome Sypris

Convel's picture

Okay. Ill be around and try

Okay. Ill be around and try to keep the herd together.
edit: sorry pretty late for me.. had to leave.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
OrinocoFlow's picture


You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis

Re-track with new account

Re-track with new account
Convel's picture

Thank you you got a new

Thank you Laughing out loud
you got a new account? I guess ill track too again. hold on.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.

Yeah, my old one was being a

Yeah, my old one was being a nuisance x3
Mis's picture

So ok, since the question is

So ok, since the question is bothering me now, did you see Verve at all just earlier? You didn't mention her in your journal last time either, when Convel chased her around for a good while. Makes me wonder if it's on purpose or not?
Convel's picture

what? nooo it wasnt

what? nooo it wasnt intentional! I didnt know who it was. I couldnt see the picto, and I am not good with names. lol ill correct that if you tell me when convel chased her so I can put it in? also their encounter just now was very brief and kind of confusing why she did what she did ._.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
Mis's picture

Well if you didn't know who

Well if you didn't know who it was, why did you pretty much sit down on top of us? o_o"..
Uh, I don't even know why Convel chased her, and if you can't even really remember it yourself.. But it was on the first day actually. He approached, she bowed back and walked away, then he started to chase her.
So yeah, why she did what she did just then? Because he chased her the first day of the rut! And now he pretty much sat down on top of her, which is why I was confused. He greeted Kaya in your diary, sat down behind Verve but she isn't mentioned at all.
Look, I don't care if I'm not mentioned in a diary haha, but the way this has been going I'm feeling as if you're just not taking us seriously as a character/player? I don't think you mean it like that though, which is why I'm asking.
Convel's picture

Oh. he chased her just

Oh. he chased her just because he was curious, and wanted to keep her company. of course he can be sometimes a bit too curious. never means anything bad. I didnt know that it was such a great problem that made Verve hate him ._. normally deer laugh at this later. Now Convel is very confused. As for why I didnt write her in now, because I didnt see her picto >.< It was basically hidden by the tree on my screen, plus she was asleep, so I didnt bother. Didnt mean to sit on her, on my screen he was sitting beside her behind them, slightly close to keep them warm in the cold darkness.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
Mis's picture

Haha well yeah, time to read

Haha well yeah, time to read biography's I guess. She doesn't like touching, she doesn't like males, she's not your typical judge. Convel really pushed her limits, and well, to her no is no. She won't laugh off a chase o_o".. I wouldn't either in real life, honestly.
She was asleep because I was AFK, otherwise she would've responded immediatly.
Well the map doesn't hide picto's in trees XD.. And it is a good idea to keep an eye on the rut list to see who is actually in and who isn't. She is a judge, but by the sounds of it you pretty much assumed that without knowing who she was?

But yeah, ouch, keeping warm in the darkness is not really something she lets anyone do either, haha.
Convel's picture

Dont you think I dont look at

Dont you think I dont look at the map? if my deer arrives at a place, his picto basically covers up the whole place and doesnt let me click on others. The cursor automatically highlights mine. -if you know a way how to bypass this please tell me id be forever grateful ._.- and no, Convel didnt know who it was when he chased her. he simply likes keeping company to lonely deer. I normally only look at the list of rutters when the actions have calmed down and everyone is sitting. It takes a bit of time to find someone on that list. plus many look the same, and some does look like stags, so I gotte look through the challengers, judges and involved non-participants to find a single deer... o.O
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
Mis's picture

Click before you go?

Click before you go? Cool Otherwise yeah, things like this can happen. It's IC to me, really, Verve's just not very easy. But you seem to be confused about her actions, so then it's a good idea to read upon things.

Bit scary to chase a lonely deer, hahaha! No is no!
Really? I do look beforehand, and the list is super easy. Scroll through it quickly, if I see a matching set it's easy. But yeah, that is what it's for? I don't mind, but some people would really like to stay out of the rut. Which is why there are lists.
Otherwise, good luck! I got my answers! Thank you for the time.
Convel's picture

Hmm.. if verve doesnt like

Hmm.. if verve doesnt like rut, or being in the rut, then why is she even participating? I read it was herla who dragged her in.. but doesnt it count as 'no is a no'? Well, I guess Convel will just ignore her from now on, not wanting to disturb her at all.... He doesnt like to be on anyone's bad side. He is not a bad deer to be considered that. and well, for the 'looking beforehand', sometimes I do look at the map and click on pictoes before I approach, but get discouraged after the tenth comes up as 'requested page cannot be found', or without bio as well....
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
Mis's picture

I wasn't going to respond,

I wasn't going to respond, but what? So because she has her limits, personal space and pride, she's not a good rutter? Being a judge isn't about being a pretty doe that likes to be pushed into groups. She's a JUDGE. She's to judge the males, not play by their rules. Some females will play the easy role, some females will need to be shown more respect or space. Bit rude to assume everyone will play the same.
Not sure why I'm even defending my character, shouldn't need to. Frankly, I decided to join her in for her development and different interactions. That she won't be happy with certain behaivor I knew; that's part of it. I'm not offended by what Convel did, it just seemed like you didn't acknowledge it. That's all.
Convel's picture

didnt mean to offend you.

didnt mean to offend you. Just it seems strange that she is forced to be participating in the rut... while it should be her choice. I wasnt saying she shouldnt, just that I did read her blog, and it did say she is not willing. This was why I was writing what I did.
and well, just a sidenote about reading bios: I am more of a realistic player, and do not like to read bios beforehand before Convel truly met the deer... How would you expect someone to know everything about the other, if they never met before o.O Convel did notice her behavior, but didnt understand it. He never met her before after all.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
Mis's picture

Her participation in the rut

Her participation in the rut is so that people respond to her accordingly. I don't think I ever gave her a form to fill in so she could decide how others respond to her.

And I didn't say that! That'd be silly. You seemed so suprised about her reaction, whilst you could've known. Convel shouldn't have changed anything about what he did. But don't be too suprised if not all characters respond positively to all interaction.
Convel's picture

lol I know. And this is why

lol I know. And this is why Convel will simply behave in response to her behavior. he is still confused, and will stay so, so might be ignoring her from now on, not knowing what to do with her.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
whiskeybeast's picture

was glad to meet ya! welcome

was glad to meet ya!
welcome back.

Convel's picture

Oh didnt see this new

Oh didnt see this new comment.
Haha, thank you!
It was nice to meet you too.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.