Convel's Bio/Blog

Convel's picture

---Under Cut---

Winter Coat

Name: Convel

Gender: Male/stag

Age: adult

Picto: Click

Size: 5

Physical: 90% - Healthy
Mental: 95%
- Content

Appearance in summer: Brown realistic deer, with big white antlers
Appearance in winter: White deer with big white antlers
Summer set on TEF: Real deer pelt, real deer mask, white antlers
Winter set on TEF: Grey pelt, skull mask, white antlers

Convel is a big sized deer. The appearance is realistic, no wings or weird decorations. In summer his pelt is brown and short because of the weather, then in november he starts to shed his fur, and grows thicker white fur. In december his coat completely turns white adjusted to the cold weather. He will start growing his summer coat in february again, and turns completely brown in march.

Personality: Curious deer, likes to inspect things closely. Also very playful with fawns, respectful towards does, but not that much with other stags. Because of his age (just left his young years) he is pretty competitive. What makes him interesting is his occasional mood swings. So fawns look out: From the playing stag the next moment could be a charging tank.

History: Had a pretty normal fawn-hood. With a loving mother, nothing else to say there. When he reached the young stag/buck age, he left the forest out of curiosity to see the world beyond the forest. Now as grown adult, he returned to start a new life at his home.

-Big size
-Big antlers
-High stamina
-High power and pain tolerance

- Slow movements
- Minimum agility
- No tactic

Fighting style:
Because of his abilities and size, you could compare Convel to a tank… and fights like one as well. He waits for his opponent to attack, then points and swings his antlers at them, tiring them out, but saving up his energy. He doesn’t move much during a fight, just stands there, waits for the attack, urging the opponent to strike with body language.
However, when it comes to swifter opponents, he is at a loss. His big size prevents him to move quickly, and becomes an easy target. Still: look out for those hooves. They kick!

Additional informations:
- In the forest, Convel is IC. At all times.
- Convels personality and actions doesnt always match my own. However, i take full responsibility.
- If you have questions, problems, please write a message.
Please note: Convel cannot see 3rd gen pictos!

Convel's picture

lol thats alright, im reading

lol thats alright, im reading now. and what? paranormal activities? ooh you remind me so much of a friend of mine lol (edit: i gtg now, pretty late for me, see you)

He listened carefully to what she said.
He always thought that this forest had so much secrets... but this...
"I never knew you can have such...blessings. I mean... i never heard about such." - Then he suddenly smiled - "Well then, ill know who to go to once i get injured from a fight" He looked away a bit "Not that i would take advantage of this, of course."
Then he nudged her a bit. "I cant wait to see them. I always thought im good with fawns. Time to test it." Then looked at her sideway "They are still fawns.... right?"
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Ok nighty night! Yara

Ok nighty night!

Yara paused. "Well, no they're more like adolecsents now, almost adults..." she thought for a minute. "Alright you deserve to know. I don't age...normally, but I probably can, if I wish to do so. I can do some magic tricks, and stuff like that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but. I was worried that you wouldn't love me..." A tear started in one of her eyes.
Convel's picture

Hmm.. i think ill

Hmm.. i think ill continue..

"Umm.. Adolescents?" He smiled nervously. "Well i just hope they wont go and test me or something... Or attack me..." He looked away. To be honest, he couldnt wait. This should prove to be a challange... and he likes challanges. He laughed silently. Yep... cant wait.
Then his eyes snapped open at what she said after. He leaned a bit away from her in surprise, and looked at her shocked, eyes wide.
"Im....Immortal? Youre immortal??" His mouth wide open, he could just stare for a few seconds.
Seeing her tears, however, he snapped out of it and leaned again close, nuzzling her.
"Well... this is kind of a... surprise..." He laughed nervously again. "I mean... not that it changes anything..."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Gosh darnit missed you again!

Gosh darnit missed you again!

"No they're usually very nice.." she said nervously. "Oh gosh I've made things awkward...haven't I? But thank you Convel, for understanding..."
Convel's picture

lol you didnt, i wasnt online

lol you didnt, i wasnt online on the game. just here on the site. Im kind of busy but ill check back often, so we can continue if you wish.

He smiled at her, reassuring her everything is fine.
He sat in silence for a bit, thinking about what she said, now everything started to sink in. So she is ageless... wouldnt that mean...?
He cleared his throat a bit, the subject in itself was a bit unbelievable.
"So... so this means you live forever...? " -He knew it was a stupid question, he just didnt know what to say or how to say it, and he sighed.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

oh ok now I don't feel so

oh ok now I don't feel so guilty lol

"Actually...I think I could get rid of it somehow...because I never really wanted to age past this point, so I wanted to NOT live forever, I could...I think..." she said this a bit nervously.
Convel's picture

hmm im thinking i should

hmm im thinking i should start a new blog for our rp?

He noted her nervousness, and felt horrible for that.
"No no!" He practically shouted with eyes wide. "I mean... if youre immortal, then it means that your power is needed... it could be a necessarity... and... and i really dont mind." - he smiled to make a point. Then it vanished, and added a bit silently: "What i was thinking about was... well... I dont think im immortal... and ill age. Past you..." he fell silent for a few seconds. "I mean... when ill be an old stag, not even able to walk anymore, youll be still jumping around..."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"Oh...well I'd age for you,

"Oh...well I'd age for you, like my father did for my mother..." she smiled. "And besides, I've only lived for a little while. Maybe I just age a little more slowly than others." she replied hopefully.
Convel's picture

He watched her surprised and

He watched her surprised and blinked. Would she really give up on this blessing just for him?
He smiled at her, and pressed his nose to her cheek.
"Thank you, dear. But really i cant await this from you. It would be too selfish from me if i did. You are needed. You got this power as a gift from your own ancestors, what would they think? Let things happen how they are supposed to. Go with the flow. You wont sacrifice this for me, right? Promise you wont?"
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"Ohh...ok I won't if you

"Ohh...ok I won't if you don't want me to do so." She smiled at his touch. She wished this nigt would never end.
Convel's picture

He sighed contently, and he

He sighed contently, and he put his head on top of hers as he watched the stars and the full moon.
For a moment he thought of some subjects they could talk about, but finding none in his slightly dazed state, he simply sighed again and remained silent.
Then it hit him.
"So tell me more about yourself. We never got the chance to talk so much before..."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"Myself? Oh I was born

"Myself? Oh I was born outside of the forest, and arrived by a flood. My father died when I was young, and my mother left. I've been here for...maybe almost a year? I have lots of friends, and....I think Zoro is addicted to shrooms." she laughed. "What about you?" she asked him curiously.
Convel's picture

He listened carefully at what

He listened carefully at what she said. He smiled sadly when she mentioned her parents. Then when she asked him in return, he just shrugged.
"I was born in this forest. I never knew my father, had only my mother by my side. I was so curious about the world beyond the forest, that i left to see the world when i was a young buck." Then he looked down. "I regret this however... Should have never left. Though i saw some of the world.. but to what price... I cant find my mother now."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

She listened intently, and

She listened intently, and was very curious about the outside forests. "Did they have wolves?" she asked. "The forests?"
Convel's picture

He looked up, as if reading

He looked up, as if reading from the stars, as he leaned closer to her, seeing the night has turned a bit colder.
"Yes they have. There were no rules anywhere i went. Only one single rule: Eat or get eaten." He sighed. "I got chased by those blasted wolves all over the place when i was young and inexperienced. Earned a few gashes here and there. But when i grew up... seeing how big and sturdy i am, they didnt have a chance." He laughed. "Then, ive chased them all over the place."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"Wow they didn't mess with

"Wow they didn't mess with you after that did they?" she laughed happily. "Hehe there were only some foxes where I was." she said.
Convel's picture

you joined dragoncave as

you joined dragoncave as well? *clicks all the eggs*

He raised an eyebrow.
"Better not underestimate these sneaky beasts. They can very well be dangerous... especially to small fawns. Or when they carry disase."
He shuddered after a cold wind blew through his fur, and looked up.
"Maybe its time to turn in for the night..." -yawns- "What do you think?"
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yeah haha. I've had an

Yeah haha. I've had an account for a while but just got back into it again. Lol thanks!

Yara noticed she had often rather tired by that point and said, "Sure, I've gotten a little tired..." Her mouth opened involuntarily for a large yawn.
Convel's picture

Seeing this he smiled. "I

Seeing this he smiled.
"I always knew its continuous." -yawns- "Ohh... well... i think we should look for a warm place to sleep at..." He thought for a moment. "Oh i think you are still living with your children... I would love to join you and see your home.. but i think it would be rude from me to just show up."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"What? I see them pretty

"What? I see them pretty often enough...almost every night. And I think they would like to meet you. I live pretty near De Drinkplatts, the trees are pretty good shelter. Would you want to come?" she asked hopefully.
Convel's picture

*yawns* good morning... god i

*yawns* good morning... god i hate morning tests... -sneaks on internet anyway-

Convel looked away a bit, then back at her.
"Id really love to join you. But..." -he let out a sigh- "I still think the two deserve to know first. Prepare them. I for one know, if my mother was coming home with a stag simply so, id be a bit angry for not telling me first..." -then he laughed a bit- "And i think its not a good idea to surprise them at night by bringing me there, who knows when we would fall asleep with all the questions flying."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"Haha ok. They would ask a

"Haha ok. They would ask a lot of questions." she said laughing slightly. "They wouldn't be angry or upset, but probably excited...*yawn*" She yawned sleepily.
Convel's picture

He smiled at her, then

He smiled at her, then nuzzled her cheek.
"Well, we can still give them a taste of this..." Then he stood up, shaking his fur a bit. "Seeing youre half asleep already, i could accompany you home. Just to make sure you dont get lost or hurt yourself." -he laughed.- "Then i can go and visit you tomorrow. Then i can meet your children, and we will have plently of time for questions. How does that sound?"
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"That sounds very nice." she

"That sounds very nice." she said laughing a little bit and nuzzled his cheek back. "Alright we're at the pond's this way." she said, gesturing west.
Convel's picture

He went next to her, leaning

He went next to her, leaning close, as he followed where she went.
Occasionly, he stopped for a moment or two to scratch his neck or sides to get rid of the loose -and so tickling- fur.
"Grrr this is annoying..." -then he looked at her- "Youre soooo lucky.. you dont have to endure this... In the other hand..." -then he proceeded to put some fur on her back where she couldnt reach.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

She laughed. "That tickles!"

She laughed. "That tickles!" she playfully put some loose fur of his on his head. "It's just up ahead." she said, looking at her ring of big trees.
Convel's picture

He laughed, then pouted. "Now

He laughed, then pouted.
"Now how am i supposed to take this off? My antlers are in the way..."
Then he looked ahead hearing her speak again.
He stopped, and turned to her, nuzzling her.
"Well, then... I think its time. Ill come tomorrow. But i cant decide when."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"Whenever is good with me,"

"Whenever is good with me," she said, nuzzling him. "I'm sorry, but I must leave you for now..." She looked back apologetically before continuing walking into her ring of pinetrees.

AHHHHHHHHhhhh it's almost THE END time! XD
Convel's picture

ohnoes! the end?

ohnoes! the end? D:

"Alright, ill come when the sun is already high in the sky. You better be here." - He laughed nuzzling her back, and watched her walk away. When she disappeared, he slowly turned around, still watching where she went, and made his way to the big old oak tree to rest.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Well, that was fun!

Well, that was fun! Laughing out loud
Convel's picture

lol yep we can still continue

lol yep
we can still continue if you want.
and ive read you got a kind of RP on one of your blogs. with Lightbringer as main char.
im thinking of joining. However i dont quite know what a deer of light is... or what they need to do.. how they find each other etc.
soo many questions >.<
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Oh gosh get ready for a

Oh gosh get ready for a spiel...

A DoL is a deer with special qualities and have more...good in them than most other deer. They are found out by using LightBringer's amulet crystal. They join together to find and defeat Tafari and Demon, Light's blood relatives. Demon brought Tafari to help him infect the forest with darkness.

Did you understand that spiel of info? >.<
Convel's picture

Yep, now its clear. hmm might

Yep, now its clear.
hmm might join.
Convel thinks there is nothing special about him, and being a deer of light should be a huge surprise to him.
How should we bring Convel and Light together? (they never met before)
(also: i saw you deleted Yaras bio D: does this mean you dont play that character anymore?)
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

What??? I deleted it? When

What??? I deleted it? When did that happen?? Do I have a hacker? No I still gonna play her. And just maybe a rp on that blog would work.
Convel's picture

Alright. we can do that

we can do that tomorrow if you dont mind. Im kind of tired now (pretty late here).
We can maybe continue from where we left off (Yara introducing Convel to her family.. or he could meet Light accidentally somewhere.)
whichever is best for you (i dont mind either)
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Ok!! Either sounds good!

Ok!! Either sounds good! Smiling
Convel's picture

ugh sorry. i wanted to start

ugh sorry.
i wanted to start yesterday but my electricity went.
Ill start now then.
Im not sure how they should meet, i leave it to what you wish.
I hope i post in the right blog, feel free to correct me once you see it.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

It's ok. And it's the right

It's ok. And it's the right one!
Amazegenalo's picture

Thanks for snuggling with my

Thanks for snuggling with my Rumen. <3 I felt delighted to see a foreign deer so close by. It doesn't happen that often.

Convel's picture

I should be the one thanking

I should be the one thanking that Rumen was there. Convel is really in need of company nowadays.
Thanks for keeping him company.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

*Cries a river* I didn't know

*Cries a river* I didn't know I was gone for so long!!!! I feel so horrible! Such troubled times...
Convel's picture

Thats alright. No need to

Thats alright. No need to cry. im sure you had a good reason to be away.
Convel was lonely but he was thinking of Yara from time to time. He didnt know if she will ever come back...
He does love her, but if she continues to vanish for months, its not going to be good for either of them.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Hehe sorry...just the finals

Hehe sorry...just the finals and junk...
Convel's picture

>.< finals..... NUUU you did

>.< finals..... NUUU
you did well though?
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yeah only one B on my English

Yeah only one B on my English one. It was so confusing sometimes!
Convel's picture

i know how it is. though i

i know how it is. though i dont quite understand english grades and school system... :S
oh and congratulations for your success.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture


Convel's picture

When would Yara have time to

When would Yara have time to meet Convel in the forest again?
Also, which timezone you have? so i can convert the time.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

it's 10:27 here now and now's

it's 10:27 here now and now's ok I think
Convel's picture

okay ill go on now and we

okay ill go on now and we will see.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.