Plush flakes of white drifted gently down from the sky, melting upon the upturned nose of the fawn, and the creature gave a slight start at the cold feeling, golden eyes widening for a moment, focused on the cold forms as if the heat of his gaze would make them melt.
His steps were wary, flinching as the snow melted upon his thin pelt, slender legs picking over the ground hurridly.
Increasing in speed, soon he was at a trot, then a gallop.
He didn't like the snow, it muffled everything, hid the gentle music of the forest that was so dear to him.
And so, he ran, ears twitching, seeking the sound of his own hoofbeats.
But all that reached him was the muffled sound of snow as his hooves cut into it.
It scared him, eyes filling with warm crystaline tears that burned trails down his cheeks, which the wind quickly cooled and froze.
"Mama? Papa!?" he called, an instinct, for who else would he call to when such fear wrenched his heart?
It terrified him, the quiet, and his heart fluttered like a trapped bird in his chest.
Then, a sound, the light trickling of running water.
Slowly he calmed, pausing, ears erect.
Slower now, picking his way gently through the snow towards the sound.
Exhaustion settled over him, and by the time the water had come into view, his small frame was trembling.
A small group of deer nearly caught his eye, and he gave a halfhearted bow before walking past them to settle at the roots of the tree they danced under, the sound of their laughter welcome.
'come dance' they seemed to say, though they could not speak.
he looked up, eyes hazy.
'no' his eyes said back 'I cannot'
silence, they continued their dancing.
He curled in upon himself, ears ever alert.
A soft warmth spread across his side then, and he forced his eyes open.
The sleek body of a raven sat by him, and he tilted his head.
But he said, nothing, could not, and he curled up again, watching the bird.
And he did love birds, for they were music given solid form, even crows and ravens with their low caw-caw-caws.
'come and play' the Raven seemed to say.
'I cannot' he said back silently, 'I cannot'
'yes, yes you can' said the Raven with a glance, fluttering into the air, wings singing as the wind danced about them.
He rose slowly on thin legs, chasing the raven.
'I will try' he seemed to say 'if you will make more music'
For he feared the silence like no other.
Because silence, is but a taste of death for the living.
Thank you to the raven who sat with Chopin and played with him today, he wasn't liking that snow.
And now you know, Chopin has severe sedatephobia (fear of silence)
The catch is, it only kicks in when he feels he can't MAKE noise or can't get to any, if he were in a qiet clearing, he would be fine, he could tap a hoof, and he knows that, what he fears is being trapped in silence.
Remember, Chopin was in his late teens when he died, and even as an adult you know you want your parents in times of terror, do you not?
Title reads; Frozen Melody

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really nice, Sonata ^-^ I
I love to read your writings!
Takk du, thank you ^^ I
I appreciate your comments a lot <3