I would very much like to provide a soundclip for Hototo's voice. Not a link that takes you away from TEF and Not autoplay. I see many deer have little play buttons, such as Illrose, that are very small, unobtrusive, and will nicely play an audio clip when you press them.
I copied and pasted the same code from the view source into Hototo's bio and no matter how I edit it, or where I put it, it doesn't show up.
Hototo's bio
Any advice?
Hmm...I think you mean like
*object width="30" height="25">*param name="movie" value=" YOUTUBE LINK GOES HERE ">*/param>*/param>*param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">*/param>*embed src=" YOUTUBE LINK GOES HERE AGAIN " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="30" height="25" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">*/embed>*/object>
just replace all the * with < and add in the link to the video you want as the sound. Hopefully, it will work c:
well... it still isn't
Have you changed the input
Couldnt get you tube to work.