January 31, 2009 - 9:26pm — Deer700
I'll change Perplex' name.
From now on, his name is Teiboku.
It means shrubbery. XD His nickname would be Tei, which means air - or
Boku which means choosing(and some other stuff too).
I do this because I never really liked his name from the beginning
and I got bored with it, so I wanted to give him a new name.
It will take some time to get used to it, yes.
"Bring me a shrubbery!!!"
(sorry Monty Python joke lol)
~Aztec priest of The Forest~
oh, I have to watch the
Hope I remember that
♥ ♥
XD Vala, I don't remember if
In the "life" topic.....................
♥ ♥
ok XD where's your bio? 0:
k (:
Hi, don't know wat you mean
♥ ♥
I meant okey if that's what