The Chain Gang (Plus some old screenies)

DragonEyes's picture
Happened upon these deer a couple days ago. We pretty much were the laziest players around, I'm sure. I think we danced for 15 minutes. Haha. Dragon ended up going, "Screw this, I'm hot," and plopped right down in the water. Everyone followed. Bazinga.

I've posted these before way back when, but they're too pretty not to post again.

ocean's picture

That one with Dragon's head

That one with Dragon's head in the top corner is awesome!
DragonEyes's picture

Thank you. I had to 'break'

Thank you. I had to 'break' the camera to do it. Technically now I can have two windows open, but this taps into my much lazier side.
The original Dragon of the Forest
Kiraki's picture

I love that corner dragon one

I love that corner dragon one too :3