My inspiration for Calliste was originally sparked by a 'patronus' from the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling. She was designed to be a very spiritual sort of creature, with a very comforting aura and protective nature. This is not a picture of her, but rather of a patronus. I just felt like posting it as a reference of her, because it represents what inspired her character.
I'm not terribley fond of this one. It could do with some cropping along the top, and my shading just She also has a sort of frightening look about her, when she is supposed to be a very kind and gentle doe.
Anyways, I just thought I'd throw some art of her out there to celebrate her reaching maturity in the forest!
Yeah, Patronus ! : D I love
I love your art a lot. Make me think to some air or cloudy form. ♥ This character seems very interesting.
Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥
Thanks! (: