Breaking Bad

squeegie's picture
Just wanted some friendly conversation. Sal'ways good when you're feeling down. c;

Anyone watch the show Breaking Bad? That show is pretty much, I think, one of the best shows ever. x3 Seriously, it's one my favorites. It's very sad the show doesn't have enough recognition as it should. Anyone else a fan?

Ive never heard of it :c

Ive never heard of it :c Hi!

-- Dannii <3

Sententia - Where Fantasy And Reality Merge
Kinsmate's picture

If your feeling down your

If your feeling down your not alone. I think many would be willing just for a nice chat. Sorry I don't watch tv or movies the only movie I saw was death at a funeral.
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
squeegie's picture

LolhaiDanni. c8 Yeah,

LolhaiDanni. c8

Yeah, conversation when your down really helps. (: