Brazen:; Bio

Forever a WIP lol

The bold, the shameless.

Name : Brazen
Gender : Male
Age : Young adult
Birthday : October 12, 2011
Species : Unique/Unknown. Looks like a cross between a fallow deer, an elk and a horse.
Size : 17
Scent : Sweet smell of the forest in autumn; leaves, wind, rain, wood.
Scent (second personality) : Forest fire, burned leaves.
Set : Skull Mask - Golden Butterfly Pelt - Fan Antlers
Appearance : Sharp brown antlers. Deep grey amber eyes. Brown/gold/brass colored coat. Brown mane and forelock like a horse but normal deer tail. Longer/thicker fur on the chest and feathering behind the lower legs/fetlocks. Dark brown hooves. Muzzle a little longer and rounder like a horse. Wear the skull mask most of the time. A little taller than an elk. Good musculature built for speed.
Voice : 1 2

Mental Health : 75%
Physical Health : 85%
Mood : Feels better but still feels apart. Would like to see his friends he has not seen in a long time. Feels a bit nostalgic.
Currently : //


Has developed Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder).
Two personalities at the moment but can develop more. Warning : He may be unable to remember some of the events that occurred while his other personality was in control.

Traits (main personality):
- Silly
- Curious
- Playful
- Affectionate
- Protective
- Funny
- Brave
- Shameless
- Impish
- Cuddly
- Rebellious

Traits/facts (main and second personality):
- Obsessed with the smells of other.
- Tic of the head. (nods several times without realizing it)
- Sometimes have tantrum, fit of anger. He lets off steam on the trees.

Traits (second personality - very rare):
- Jealous
- Possesive
- Really unpredictable.
- Agressive


Laqueta : Best friend.
Amelia : Best friend.
Morikiah : Respect. Admire. Father figure.
Djinn : Respect. Admire. Adoptive mother.
Gehirn : Respect. Friend.
Herla : Respect. Friend.
Idelle : Friend. Playmate.
Ravly : Friend
Ourania : Friend
Darcy : Friend
Ciel : Friend
Lane : Friend.
Eraline : Friend. RIP. Missed.
Sho : Friend
Sparrow : Friend
Gideon : Friend. Brother figure.
Gustiro : Admire. Respect.
Lucamo : Tensions.

Brazen is a character and is played as such 99% of the time.

Xemi's picture

-licks new page and runs- I

-licks new page and runs-

I am horrible for this |B

Sighthoundlady - Yeah. He has

Sighthoundlady - Yeah. He has a hard time understanding all the things going on lately. Poor little boy :|

Xemi - LOLasdhjgfnjh <3
Salome's picture

Thank you for spending so

Thank you for spending so much time with Djinn. It really means a lot ♥ (8

Awww! Djinn is like a mother

Awww! Djinn is like a mother to Brazen. She is safety and comfort for him <3
Salome's picture

&hearts; Djinn feels just the

♥ Djinn feels just the same, mind If I put Brazen to her adopted family? 8>

I would be very happy *-*

I would be very happy *-*
pumpkinseed's picture

"Don't let the cold get the

"Don't let the cold get the best of you too, little man. Keep your chin up."

*Noms CSS* This is comming

*Noms CSS*

This is comming out well! Laughing out loud

Major love for the new css.

Major love for the new css. ♥

He smiled gently at the green

He smiled gently at the green doe. ''I may be little... But I'm strong. Don't worry about me''


And thanks Torturer and Selruil <3

My My, Brazen. You have

My My, Brazen. You have grown!
Sho was quiet surprised too see Brazen. The only thing he first saw were his knee's.. Haha!

"Feeling fabulous, Brazen?"

"Feeling fabulous, Brazen?" *chuckle*

... 8D
He looks so weird now when he isn't a mini anymore!
Flyleaf's picture was fun today with was fun today with you ...we are crazy ones lol !
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13

LOL, sorry about that. I was

LOL, sorry about that. I was going to have Nash try to play-spar with Brazen, but then my mom wanted something and she pulled the whole "If you don't do this now your done for the night.", so I had to make him sit. ♥ +its time for dinner, so brb for both me and Nash. c:

+a track. 8D

No problem (: And thank you

No problem (: And thank you <3

click thisss~ Was real cute,

click thisss~

Was real cute, haha.

Ohhh, so cute yes

Ohhh, so cute yes <3
Corell's picture

Tracking, he seems

Tracking, he seems intresting. <3

Omg I'm so sorry for charging

Omg I'm so sorry for charging about all over the map today. ;___; Brazen has been such a help with all the set getting Marion and I have been doing. Thank you so much. We appreciate it. <33
Xemi's picture

Thank you so much for helping

Thank you so much for helping cast on my deer today <33 you got the secretary pelt for one of my minis and also helped with antlers for Crucio so thank you very much. ♥ I really appreciate it, pelts can be a pain in the butt so that was very helpful!

'Always a pleasure to help

'Always a pleasure to help <3
Interesting new characters by the way.
Xemi's picture

Ty ^^

Ty ^^

Aww, thank you. ;u; Somehow

Aww, thank you. ;u; Somehow all my characters end up bumping into Brazen.. /ded <3

HAHAHA you're welcome ^-^ I

HAHAHA you're welcome ^-^
I feel weird with only one character o_o
Apparanza's picture

Canny thinks Brazen is

Canny thinks Brazen is hilarious xD

By Leuvr

HAHAHA Canny is hilarious too

HAHAHA Canny is hilarious too <3
Salome's picture

YES &hearts;


missed him &hearts;

missed him ♥


htgrkdhjggg <3
Kohvake's picture

RETRACKING~. I'll throw

RETRACKING~. I'll throw Gideon to Brazen's face someday. 8D
Side account of Kohva
Gustiro's picture

It was a wonderful surprise

It was a wonderful surprise to see Brazon yesterday. :3

Yes, it was for me too! :3

Yes, it was for me too! :3 Damn flowers rofl.
Ourania's picture

"I will get you back! One of

"I will get you back! One of these days!" Ourania grumbles.

He laughed then smiled at the

He laughed then smiled at the doe. ''If you say so"
Vibek's picture

Track c:

Track c:

Thank you ^^

Thank you ^^
Mauvable's picture

Track ^-^

Track ^-^

Thank you ^^

Thank you ^^
LilyBlue's picture

Such a sweet boy &hearts;

Such a sweet boy ♥

Aww thank you *-*

Aww thank you *-*
wake's picture

Heyo! -tracks-

Heyo! -tracks-

Hi! And thank you (:

Hi! And thank you (:
Uzulii's picture

Hello, I dont want to

Hello, I dont want to complain but your challenger, brazen was not being very realistic when fighting agains two competitors.. my Rothrust and the other stag Convel..
Siggy by awesome Sypris

For me it was ok. He's a

For me it was ok. He's a challenger so he will not lower his antlers to fight directly against a competitor he has no chance; that's why he is running around and use his speed and agility.
Convel's picture

lol which challenger in their

lol which challenger in their right mind would consider taking up a fight against two competitors? Even if he had quite the agility, he did obtain quite the injuries and should have tired out, seeing he needed to run from two stags. And that for around ten minutes or more.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
Uzulii's picture

AH well yes, but it wents

AH well yes, but it wents just a bit too longish, and he received quite alot of blows from two big stags.. thanks anyway for the interaction, its never bad to have some.
Siggy by awesome Sypris

I see nothing bad with it

I see nothing bad with it since it's his personnality rofl. In nature young stag fight with older stag to gain experience.

And Brazen was fighting mostly VS Rothrust. Convel participated maybe 20% of the time so...

And for the time it's because

And for the time it's because I was enjoyed it LOL. Sorry if this seemed long ^^
Uzulii's picture

Ah well, I dont mean to be

Ah well, I dont mean to be nagging or anything, its only in forest actions, but I always appericiate good fights.. , tracking this the same time (: EDIT, well that goes for me too XD... It really was fun ;_;
Siggy by awesome Sypris

Convel's picture

Convel was actually there for

Convel was actually there for quite a long time, maybe 60%... until he thought it was just absurd that a challenger lasts this long against two competitors. That was when Convel pulled back, not wanting to waste his energy. Of course not scolding, just pointing it out lol.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.