Convel's Bio/Blog

Convel's picture

---Under Cut---

Winter Coat

Name: Convel

Gender: Male/stag

Age: adult

Picto: Click

Size: 5

Physical: 90% - Healthy
Mental: 95%
- Content

Appearance in summer: Brown realistic deer, with big white antlers
Appearance in winter: White deer with big white antlers
Summer set on TEF: Real deer pelt, real deer mask, white antlers
Winter set on TEF: Grey pelt, skull mask, white antlers

Convel is a big sized deer. The appearance is realistic, no wings or weird decorations. In summer his pelt is brown and short because of the weather, then in november he starts to shed his fur, and grows thicker white fur. In december his coat completely turns white adjusted to the cold weather. He will start growing his summer coat in february again, and turns completely brown in march.

Personality: Curious deer, likes to inspect things closely. Also very playful with fawns, respectful towards does, but not that much with other stags. Because of his age (just left his young years) he is pretty competitive. What makes him interesting is his occasional mood swings. So fawns look out: From the playing stag the next moment could be a charging tank.

History: Had a pretty normal fawn-hood. With a loving mother, nothing else to say there. When he reached the young stag/buck age, he left the forest out of curiosity to see the world beyond the forest. Now as grown adult, he returned to start a new life at his home.

-Big size
-Big antlers
-High stamina
-High power and pain tolerance

- Slow movements
- Minimum agility
- No tactic

Fighting style:
Because of his abilities and size, you could compare Convel to a tank… and fights like one as well. He waits for his opponent to attack, then points and swings his antlers at them, tiring them out, but saving up his energy. He doesn’t move much during a fight, just stands there, waits for the attack, urging the opponent to strike with body language.
However, when it comes to swifter opponents, he is at a loss. His big size prevents him to move quickly, and becomes an easy target. Still: look out for those hooves. They kick!

Additional informations:
- In the forest, Convel is IC. At all times.
- Convels personality and actions doesnt always match my own. However, i take full responsibility.
- If you have questions, problems, please write a message.
Please note: Convel cannot see 3rd gen pictos!

Midnightrose's picture



Oh, so this is the Stag

Oh, so this is the Stag Athelia is resting beside right now?

Convel's picture

lol yep. nice to meet you.

lol yep. nice to meet you.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.

Heh, nice to meet you too. ^^

Smiling Heh, nice to meet you too. ^^

AngelWings's picture

OH NOES! that wasn't the

OH NOES! that wasn't the effect I wanted at all! Sorry Convel! I left because my sister wouldnt give back my ipod to check his bio! It seems Yara may have found somebody after all...anyways track!
Convel's picture

aah well Convel is

well Convel is disappointed if such a fine doe leaves his side. what else could he do? lol
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Heh she's not leaving now.

Heh she's not leaving now. Just sittin there. XD
Convel's picture

(No subject)

Laughing out loud
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yara: "Don't feel awkward!"

Yara: "Don't feel awkward!" ^3^
Convel's picture

How could i be not? lol

How could i be not? lol
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Btw that's Shika, the grey

Btw that's Shika, the grey dow with big antlers. Heh Now I understand the awkwardness.
Convel's picture

Ah yes, i just read her bio.

Ah yes, i just read her bio. Is she a friend of you?
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

On here? Yesh! XD

On here? Yesh! XD
Convel's picture

Should we follow her then?

Should we follow her then? and keep her company?
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yara: "She has plenty of

Yara: "She has plenty of other friends right now..." ^3^

Sorry had to leave because A) my parents needed me too much and B) I wanna do some screenie edits. ^__n__n__^ here's a hippo!
Convel's picture

lol thats alright. I see

lol thats alright.
I see forward to see you again. Ill track your hoof-prints when you get online again.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

hehe Yara: "And I you


Yara: "And I you Convel..." -sends nuzzles-
AngelWings's picture

Pfffffffffffffft!!! -spat out

Pfffffffffffffft!!! -spat out food- it's a miricle!!! First stag that's had a real intrest in Yara. Wow! >.< though-

Yara: "YAY!!! ^__^"
Convel's picture

D: ah didnt see your last

D: ah didnt see your last comment! -doesnt know if should send nuzzles-... that is if you like germs and viruses lol
We shall see how it goes *wink*
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Hehe I haven't bad time to

Hehe I haven't bad time to get on because of school and this quiz for math that takes forever. Sorry! Sad
Convel's picture

Aww. well i can only be on

well i can only be on for a few hours as well.
school is always in the way D: Plus im in college, so i dont quite have time from monday to thursday.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Aww he's so sweet! :3 I

Aww he's so sweet! :3 I haven't been on cuz of school though, but weekends I can! >.<
AngelWings's picture

My mom picks the worst days

My mom picks the worst days to tell me to vet off the computer. Grrrrrrrrrr
Convel's picture

I know how you feel. I cant

I know how you feel.
I cant be here all the time either.
I have now autumn break, so ill be on every day this week and see if i can catch you somewhere.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yara: Darn it Angel! Find

Yara: Darn it Angel! Find some time! Send me in!
Me: If school was shorter, I could! Be glad there's no school Friday Yara!
AngelWings's picture

I can be in!!! WOOOO

I can be in!!! WOOOO
Convel's picture

AAAh yay!

AAAh yay!
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Hehe tiny rp time! Wanna

Hehe tiny rp time! Wanna join!

Yara: "Omigosh YES!!!"
Convel's picture

lol alright, lets rp, after

alright, lets rp, after all here its much easier to communicate.

Convel was a bit taken aback at her outburst, then his face changed from shock to surprise, then without warning pushed his muzzle near hers, and nuzzled her all he was worth.
Then smiling added:
"Are you sure you want to be near such a big, scary and silent giant all your life?"
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

She felt like she was flying.

She felt like she was flying. "Of course! You're not that scary :)" She said smiling happily.
Convel's picture

"As you say m'lady." - He

"As you say m'lady." - He replied in a joking tone.
He put his head on top of hers with a dreamy gaze on his face. He stayed like that for a while, then his smile vanished, and sighed sadly.
"i just wish i could see you more..."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Omg its snowing at my

Omg its snowing at my house!!!

"I'll try my best to be here as much as possible, if not more." she said in a solemn tone if voice. Yara nuzzled his face gently.
Convel's picture

D: snow? NOOO. this means

D: snow? NOOO. this means only 1 thing: if it arrives here, i have to shovel it away... aah how i love winter...

"Promise?" He said while he gladly returned the nuzzling.
Then something caught his eye... Then he smiled.... then burlst out laughing at the sight before him.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Lol! XD "Promise!" she

Lol! XD

"Promise!" she replied. Yara was surprised when he started laughing. "What's so funny?"
Convel's picture

He continued laughing,

He continued laughing, mumbling "im sorry" repeatedly, or at least trying between breaths.
Then, still laughing, pushed his antlers a bit towards her, retrieving something from the top of her head with them.
A patch of brown fur.
"Im sorry..." -laughs- "This one is my bad"
He smiled at her, hoping he didnt upset her.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yara burst out laughing too.

Yara burst out laughing too. "I-Is that your fur?" she asked? Thinking for a second, she said. "Is it shedding? Mine changes to a new one every year. Heh I think this year it will be a brownish, or black. It changes in the summer."
AngelWings's picture

Does this mean they're

Does this mean they're married or mates? I need to update her bio.
Convel's picture

Seeing she was laughing as

Seeing she was laughing as well, he relaxed and resumed nuzzling her, though now more careful, and throwing off any found pieces of his fur.
"Yes... sadly... i change my fur 2 times a year. Once in autumn and once in spring." - he sighed, as he shook his head, pieces of small fur flying everywhere. Then he added proudly: "My fur is white in the winter. Just like the snow. Okay.. maybe not as white but... "Then he realised he was talking too much and stopped. "In the mean time while changing, i look like a cow..."
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"Well don't be embarassed!

"Well don't be embarassed! I'll love you any way you are. And look at me, I look like a cow NOW!"
She laughed. "'s a bunny...." she whispered.

Lol that buiuuuuuuuuuunnny
Convel's picture

"We will see once you find my

"We will see once you find my fur all over you..." He mumbled jokingly, then as to make a point, he secretly rubbed a few fur pieces on her head. At least so he thought...
"But i love this cow." He added mumbling again, muffled by her fur.
Then she led his attention toward a little form in the grass just next to them... How he didnt notice the little fellow he wasnt sure... Something told him the lady at his side was the cause.
He smiled and watched the little one as well.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yara felt so wonderful

Yara felt so wonderful inside, she had no idea how to describe it. "Have you ever wanted to fly Convel?"
AngelWings's picture

NOOOO why mom why!!! She said

NOOOO why mom why!!! She said off the computer and do your homework! See you tomorrow hopefully! I'll try to get on TEFc on my IPod though!
Convel's picture

He thought about it a

He thought about it a moment.
"Of course... everyone does want to." - then smiled - "Just the few chosen ones can experience it though... and this wish has come true for me" - he nuzzled her a bit, then added: "When i met you..."

and AWWWWWW alright. I really hope to see you soon.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

"I used to only expireiebce

"I used to only expireiebce it in dreams, but now I feel it all the time. My place has been fulfilled in this world. No more wandering about." she smiled and groomed some loose fur from the top of Convel's head.

My comment up there farther up the page. The question one?
Convel's picture

Convel smiled at her, and

Convel smiled at her, and nuzzled her a bit more.
"Even if you wander, ill still follow you.... like it or not... Even if you decide im not the right one, ill still be by your side, just a bit farther away... Watching, guarding."
The noticed a thug on his head and shook it just a bit.
"If you continue, ill end up looking funny in a matter of few hours." He smiled, but closed his eyes, rather enjoying the treatment, leaning his head toward her.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yara laughed lightly and

Yara laughed lightly and started on his ear/upper neck. "I can already tell you are the right one."
Convel's picture

He grinned. "Oh now really?"

He grinned.
"Oh now really?" With that he leaned even more forward, and tickled her ear slightly, smiling.
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Yara grinned as she felt his

Yara grinned as she felt his gentle caresses. She felt like there was nothing else there but her and Convel. She thought of her children and how excited they would be when they found out. "Hey Convel? I don't know if I ever told you about my adopted children. Zoro and LightBringer?"
Convel's picture

His eyes went wide, and

His eyes went wide, and stopped tickling her.
"What?" -he blinked once.. then twice - "No, i cant quite remember you ever mentioning them"
Then he looked up and added: "Well, considering we didnt have as much time together, thats no surprise..."
Then he caught himself, he had the feeling he sounded... rude?
"So you've got adopted children?" -he smiled at her - "Tell me about them?"
I run like a deer, jump like a deer and think like a deer.
AngelWings's picture

Sorry I got distracted

Sorry I got distracted watching a video about paranormal activity and crop circles and wormholes!

Yara answered readily. "They never did have a father, I found them after a long meditation at the idols. Their past was always unknown, but they are quite extraordinary. Like for instance, Zoro could heal things very easily since birth, and Light's gift revealed itself to him about a month ago. Each have very strong binds with each other. It seems they can tell what each is thinking." She blew one of her feathers off her face. "They would be rather eager to meet you, if they were here now..."