Sorry for spamming the pictures page so much today.
You can throw a bowl of hot noodles on my face if you want. c:
The dance party was great! Many deer attended.
I had Rou there at first but in the end decided to amuse people with Quam's bad dancing skills. xD
LOOK WHO I FOUND. It was so great to see you, Jen! 8D
Quammy decided to take a bite off Jay just to make sure it's real.
Then we started dancing a bit. In our own way.
Three steps forwards, three steps backwards.
Now, One, two, three. One, two, three.
Then it was a QuammyExpress time again. pfff.
This train goes backwards for naoow.
Thank you for choosing QuammyExpress.
Isis was so confused on what
Snowrift's Updates
Dl Byron don't like the
Quammy stole the line after
Walter is going to spellspam Quammy to death one day. Bwahahahah.
LOL I went to sit for a
Actually, I think me you and Martisol made the line
Snowrift's Updates
In the first train picture,
Drache was all like FFFsomeone'sfaceisinmybutt.
ah :'D I finally made a
I'll take the appropriate action.
It was so nice playing with
And I'm sorry I disappeared after I sat down, my mom called me on the phone and it ended up taking longer then expected. Family drama.