Is it possible for two people to have the same sigil?? I swear that I wasn't playing in two windows at once, and the "other me" seemed to at times be avoiding me. It was strange to see my own sigil on the edges of the screen. Can anyone help me out here?
It's a nameless, an
They don't have pictos, but it shows up as your own picto in 3.4. xD
And in other versions as well
I see many Nightmare Clones on and I'm still running in 3.31 at the moment. There is honestly nothing to worry about, you wouldn't believe how many times this is brought up haha
It's basically just what Sybil said, a nameless deer just happened to get it when you logged in. No one is hacking your account, no one is on your account with you, etc. etc. and all that fun stuff XD
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Ah, really? Heh, I wouldn't
oh, haha...that's great!
Yeah there are times when I
And no, they don't see your Picto over their head. As far as I know anyway, if you are nameless you have no picto or anything at all ^^
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"