A Bio? Why not - some infos about Cu (riosity)

Pink's picture
After three years (I was playing TEF since Oct 2007) I decided to make a bio-thing for my Deer Cu. Dont expect too much. I am really lazy. I have no much time and my english is not really good enough to explain what I want to say.
There is also one thing I want to say to my nickname: Pink. I choosen it because I love the singer/songwriter Pink. Her music is great and her lyrics too. And she is such a cool woman!

very sad reason to refresh my bio: my best buddy in TEF has gone now to a better place - Flyleaf, he died at the end because of his illness on July 24, 2018 - you never will be forgotten!

Here we go:

Name: Cu (from Curiosity)
Gender: male
Mate: non - til now and maybe forever - but: never say never
There are so many nice does in the forest, sometimes I wish, I could had a Harem Eye
age: ageless, he feels sometimes like a little fawn and othertimes like an grumpy old stag
(but exactly he was born on 2007 10 29 - he is a halloween thingy, thats why he is acting strange from time to time; if you wonder why, just ignore him!)
He likes: his friends
He dislikes: when his friends are not around

He is a kind of a wanderer. He is looking for something but hasn´t found it yet. Thats why he mostly couldn´t stay at the same place for a longer time. And sometimes he felt so outside of everything.

Most of the time he wears the realdeer mask and normal antlers with candles (love the glowing when it is dark) and the darker brown pelt with brighter belly
Cu also loves to be a Minideer (because he likes minis a lot)
Picto: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?username=Pink
(special thanks to starling)

"normal" version 2013 10 19 001 "halloween" version
"final" version(maybe)

He likes most of You
He dislikes some of You
But he always try to be gentle to all of you!

And I love YOUR Art at the community side. I think you`re all great artists!

One thing to say: sometimes, Cu loves to do "Hug-Attack". He run to every deer which is near and hug them for no reason, only to see what happens.

OK, little story about how Cu get like he is:

Once upon a time, he was a little happy deer in a big dark forest. He has a family (Father, Mother, bigger brother and two younger Twin-Sisters) and the living was very easy.
Then some unbelievable accidents happens to the members of his family which bring them all to death. His father was killed (and eaten) by a big Grizzlybear, his mother drownd in a river at springtime, his brother was hidden by an old tree and his little sisters died when they try to climb to a big rock.
Cu was always there when the accidents happens and at the end he feels like "why does it happen to them but not to me?" And his Heart was broken for the first time.
After this he runs alone in the forest and was waiting for something but dosent know for what. A while ago he met a very nice doe, the nicest cutest deer he every had met. And they were very closed together all day long. Cu likes her sweet smell, her big bright green eyes, her long and slim legs and her smooth and shiny pelt. He think the sadness has an end and he could be happy til he die. But like we all know, live isn´t easy like this!
At Falltime a new Stag arrived in the forest and he was bigger, taller, stronger than Cu. And looks amazing to the does. His Doe too. Cu was so sad and angry and he try to bring his love away from the fascinating stranger. But he has no chance. At the end Cu and the other Stag begun to fight and it was horrible. His beloved Doe try to make them stop and she was wounded by Cu! Cu getting absolutely shocked that his sweet love was hurt by himself that he run away. And the other Stag make out his chance and benefit from.
Cu was irritated and totaly down by what happend. He run at the darkest point in the forest and hide under a big rock. There he sit and all the pain comes to him and he silently starting to cry. At this time his heart was broken for the second time.
A long time goes by and at the end Cu starts to run away from this place where everything remembers him at what he has done. Then he came to this lovely, shiny, bright forest and he said to himself: I´ll stay at this place. Maybe Cu found another life here where everything is so nice.
He has met a lot of deers and the most of them where friendly to him. And in the future - maybe - he will find another Doe which he can be in love with.

Some pictures which are done by others (thank you so much!):

2dv4we9@Abina bf3ub7 @LambFleece [url=https://flic.kr/p/bv4vmz] @Edmund PlushDeer_CuPink @Pegasicorn Cu by Edmund @Shadowchild
2012 Cu von wingeddeer @wingeddeer cu~bg @Bu Cu by Alice V @ JackStrauss

@starling @starling (Cu Vala Fly) cucree_by_glitchjey101-d82ogwt @jennie @ starfox - Vala, Fly + Cu
@ W0lfclaw (Tesco and Cu)
@ kamaya(Cu, Fly, Vala) @ Kaoori (my two treasures Vala + Fly) and @ In/Tamabird (my Cu requested by Vala)
@ Starling @Uitleger @Uitleger @Uitleger @Uitleger @Uitleger (Lem at bottom, Starling in middle, Cu at top)
@Sybilline @phantomhelsing
Starling's picture

:D !

:D !
Flyleaf's picture

Trrracking this sooo badly

Trrracking this sooo badly Exclaim
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pink's picture

Wow, Starling your the first

Wow, Starling your the first one at my bio-side. A warm welcome to you. Cu always enjoys playing with you.
siggi by Sybilline
Vala 's picture


Hello, <<33......
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Pink's picture

Hy Flyleaf, yours the second

Hy Flyleaf, yours the second one but there is no ranking. A warm welcome to you, too. What happend with Abina and you? (I want know everything!)
siggi by Sybilline
Pink's picture

Wow, hello Vala, your the

Wow, hello Vala, your the third one and welcome like all of you. Ha, I should stop counting Eye It is a pleasure to see you on one side, lovelys
siggi by Sybilline
Flyleaf's picture

Aww , Abina said she will not

Aww , Abina said she will not be playing so much because is too addicted to the game !
I miss her Sad I am really glad that you and other people are caring for me too Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Ourania's picture

Eeee a Cu-deer!!

Eeee a Cu-deer!! <3 <3 <3
Vala 's picture

I told a few weeks ago that

I told a few weeks ago that I'll be off for a while (less in TEF), but it's so difficult to not going in TEF when you see friends arround , but I'll managed to be less in you'll see!!!<<33
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Pink's picture

That is said to read. And Cu

That is said to read. And Cu love to see his friends around him and he is unhappy too, if somebody feels sad or lonly. But I understand that this game could make you adictive, especially if you take much things serious. At the last weeks there were much fightings, you don´t have to take it to personal but sometimes it is hard to be not involved!
siggi by Sybilline
Pink's picture

Hi Ourania, welcome at my

Hi Ourania, welcome at my Cu-Deer-Side. It is really amazing to see all my friends here (take away a tear from my cheek Smiling
siggi by Sybilline
Pink's picture

Yes, I think it is hard to

Yes, I think it is hard to stay away for long. I try it because my parents aren´t happy that I play Tef so intensive. But I told them, I try to improve my english, and it works Shocked
siggi by Sybilline
Vala 's picture

I've never been in a fight ,

I've never been in a fight , when I see a fight I go away , but sometimes I feel lonely , well its to difficult to explain ....<<33
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Flyleaf's picture

Ha ! That was a very good

Ha ! That was a very good idea Smiling Exclaim
And i hope that you and Vala are keeping Flyleaf company in the forest Exclaim
I need my friends Exclaim Smiling And why is vala feeling lonely ??
If she is she can come to Flyleaf for comforting her Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kaoori's picture

Ah, I've seen cu around for a

Ah, I've seen cu around for a long time!
Ever since Kaoori was a fawn Smiling
Pink's picture

Hi Kaori, yes I remember you

Hi Kaori, yes I remember you very well, too. I love it to see some of the "oldies" in forest Eye
siggi by Sybilline
Pink's picture

I need my Tef-Friends too.

I need my Tef-Friends too. And I don´t want to loose them because acting like a fool. Thats why Cu sometimes run away from a play. Sometimes he needs an outbreak because he gets so intensive feelings that he must rund away, sit down and calm down.
siggi by Sybilline
Flyleaf's picture

Flyleaf could NEVER be mad at

Flyleaf could NEVER be mad at CU !! Eye Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pink's picture

I know, but others could. And

I know, but others could. And it is sometimes hard to ignore them.
siggi by Sybilline
Selene38's picture

Cu !!!

Cu !!! <3
Pink, my excuse for playing TEF is the same of you xD
Vala, Flyleaf, whenever you want, Sira is there for you all Smiling
Sira & Ophidia
Pink's picture

Hi Selene, nice to see you on

Hi Selene, nice to see you on my brand new side. lol and hopefully soon in forest
siggi by Sybilline
Flyleaf's picture

@ Selene : Awwww , thank you

@ Selene : Awwww , thank you so much Exclaim It makes me so happy you wrote this Smiling Flyleaf will be there for you , when you need him Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13



Pink's picture

Hi Nopje, aw, so nice to see

Hi Nopje, aw, so nice to see you on my side - nuzzle-
siggi by Sybilline
Snowsauria's picture

Track. ^^

Track. ^^
ocean's picture


Pink's picture

Wow, what a wonderful evening

Wow, what a wonderful evening for me. Welcome Snowsauria and welcome Ocean. The more "deers" the better the feeling Eye
siggi by Sybilline
Vala 's picture

Feel lucky for you....

Feel lucky for you....<<33And............Server isn't down anymore !!!
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Pink's picture

Oh Vala, your are so sweet!

Oh Vala, your are so sweet! Next time in forest you get a big special extra hug from Cu Eye
siggi by Sybilline
Pink's picture

So, see you right

So, see you right now!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!!!!!1
siggi by Sybilline

My doe Angel has been hanging

My doe Angel has been hanging out with Cu alot so I think ill Track this <3
Tullow's picture

I've played with you before!

I've played with you before! Sticking out tongue
Consider this a track. :3

EEE! hia there I seen you in

EEE! hia there I seen you in the forest thanks for the great times there and did you know this is a track by me Tan? *is out of breath* anyway TRACKING THE BIO YEAH!
Pink's picture

Hi Kikistar, ah now after all

Hi Kikistar, ah now after all this time, I knew the very sweet person behind that crazy and cute deer Eye
siggi by Sybilline
Pink's picture

Hi Tullow, yes and yesterday

Hi Tullow, yes and yesterday I´ve seen you again. But I think I remember you from earlier times (with real deer mask?).
siggi by Sybilline
Pink's picture

Hi Tan, he he I feel proud,

Hi Tan, he he I feel proud, that you´re tracking my bio Eye But we don´t met very often, I think?!
siggi by Sybilline

hehe Angel is quite fond of

Eye hehe Angel is quite fond of Cu he's a very handsome stag
Tullow's picture

Yeah, she switches masks from

Yeah, she switches masks from time to time and real deer is one of the ones she wears. :]

Yes! : D

Yes! : D
Vala 's picture

Hello, Cu "deerfriend" I made

Hello, Cu "deerfriend" I made a little bio in the lifeforumSmiling
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Pink's picture

Hi Vala, I read it right now

Hi Vala, I read it right now and I love it! It is a short one but it says everything you have to know about you. Eye
siggi by Sybilline
Pink's picture

Hi 3linmaya, nice to see you

Hi 3linmaya, nice to see you at my side. Hope we met in forest too.
siggi by Sybilline
Starling's picture

Link to your pictogram:

Link to your pictogram: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?username=Pink
You could also use this:

Flyleaf's picture

What a beautiful playday with

What a beautiful playday with You and Vala today Exclaim So crazy !!!
I took screenshots of us Smiling And thank you for your sweet company Smiling Smiling Smiling Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pink's picture

@ Starling That is so nice

@ Starling
That is so nice from you. Thankieees a lot. I try to put it in my bio. :x
And it was amazing to play with Yori yesterday.
siggi by Sybilline
Pink's picture

@ Flyleaf Yes, I had much

@ Flyleaf
Yes, I had much crazy fun with both of you. We should do it again, maybe tonight?
Oh, and I´m a normal big deer again, because I changed to normal deersize and log out without changing back to mini Sad stupid hyper Cu
siggi by Sybilline
Flyleaf's picture

Sorry i left , but i was

Sorry i left , but i was getting dizzy by all this jumping and playing today ( Maybe it was because i was tired today ) Seeeee yooooo!!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pink's picture

Hey Flyleaf, it´s OK.

Hey Flyleaf, it´s OK. Sometimes I feel the same way. After you gone I take a nap between the blue flowers. See you and sleep well.
siggi by Sybilline
Flyleaf's picture

Sorry for misssing you today

Sorry for misssing you today Exclaim
I saw that you were online , but i was too tired to play so late Sad
I played earlier today . Hope to see you soon again Exclaim
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
uwharrie's picture

proceeding to trackkk!

proceeding to trackkk! Nanetta has had fun in the forest with Cu =)