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Currently: Wandering around, chilling somehwere
Mood: Booh..? Halloween yay
Location: Near the pond and the twin gods hill.
Thoughts: '..all these fawns....i'm gonna eat some.. '
Color: Vassago Tak
OOC Don't take it personally if he attacks you or something. It is just a character and he is an asshole lol btw if you like to add me in msn :
++ General information ++
Name: Vassago
Age: unknown ( he doesnt say it)
Gender: male deer / stag / buck
Picto: X
++ Appearance ++
Skull mask, Candler, Golden Butterfly Pelt
++ Personality ++
Vassago is just an unfriendly and rude stag. But he has feelings like any other deer in the forest too. He's full of power and wants to mess them with others in fights. He doesn't want to hurt others gravely but it could happen that he loses the control of himself and then he wants to see some blood. He doesn't like fawns, he might hurt them but he wont kill them. But every deer thats smaller than him should take care and keep distance. He will show, that they have to keep away from him. He doesn't want to play, he doesn't want to dance, he doesn't want friends. Fawns are too loud and noisy. Just annoying. So he will leave crowed places..
He's strong and got lot stamina and he got no problem with long time activities. (harhar..) He might protect those, who are close to him, but it's not easy to get behind that mask of power. He will almost never show, that he got weak moments too and always will show the strong deer, who will fight everyone and everything, even he's wounded. Vassago is addicted to the dark side of the forest and likes the think of beeing close to the demons. He isnt any romanticly, doesnt like to cuddle or take a long walk in the evening... flowers are just something to eat..
++ Friends ++
My inner hate

++ Dis-/Likes ++
fights -
does -
chasing fawns -
chasing little forest animals -
chasing nameless deer -
demons and all dark creatures in the forest -
rain and dusk -
halloween -
scary crawling creatures -
sleeping in the sun ( often found in small sunny spaces) -
fawns -
namesless deer -
spell spamming -
nonsense noise -
playing the 'happy' deer -
romantic -
++ His past, present and future? ++
Vassago's past is like the ones of many other deers. He was born into a wandering group of deers, which where looking for a save place for the winter. he was still young and the winter hard. His mother did everything to keep him alive like his father and his uncle. They found a forest, which looked perfect and seemed to be a save place. The herd moved on and Vassago's mother got behind and soon, her power was exhausted and then in a cold winter night, her soul left her body and she died. Vassago stayed by her side till the end and still some days after her death, he sit by her side, hoping she would get back on her feet and take him back to the herd. But nothing happend and time past by.
Years went by and Vassago grew up. He wasn't any longer a friendly stag. Other thought about him, how could this little starving fawn stay alive alone in a deep winter. But Vassago grew up to a rude young adult, who likes to fight and chase fawn. He got strong over the time, learned alot about the life and how to keep himself alive. There is almost nothing he is afraid of. What exactly happend in all that years after his mother died, is a secret Vassago keeps deep within himself and his memories.
Welcome to the forest!
I gotta say, I love your
Welocome to the Forest(isnt
/track endlich mal jmd
endlich mal jmd der nicht alles und jeden mag <3
bin gespannt wie es aussieht wenn es fertig ist
hehe man kann ja auch net
Track? Sadly, any aggressive
Sadly, any aggressive emote scares the bejeezus out of my newest deer, Jasper. XD
Nine(9) is my main deer.
One day he will make a pact
And as long Jasper isn't a fawn Vassago will be.... 'friendly'...
I love how you edited your
Thank you. Wont be the last
@moss ehehe thats to bad
My deer Revenant would
thanks ;P they both never
(No subject)
** Reegani Bio **
Ooh I'm sure my Nekumbra
Looking forward to meet some
Full list of friends |D Maybe
Maybe he's asshole but Levis(mini with zombie antlers) likes him anyway ;D
he is so glad about that
hehe nice to meet you
Im sure he is ;P Nice to meet
Nice to meet you too, Vassago reminds me my another character
Track. n_n
thanks i guess he found some
i guess he found some stalker
Haha, indeed. >D
lol my TEF just crashed,
gonna head to bed now since it is 2 am in the morning here
Im going to bed too(the same
Lol, yeah, my deer will
i'm not sure how Vassago will
well been a while