December 8, 2008 - 4:27am — fayne
defenstratd = George.
Tuna Santoire = Tuna gay last name i no.
defenestratd: f
Tuna Santoire: FAHAHA
Tuna Santoire: HA
Tuna Santoire: HA
defenestratd: HI TUNA.
Tuna Santoire: HI GEORGE.
Tuna Santoire: -would raep but yourmybrotherlol-
Tuna Santoire: I don't know what to get you for christmas. :c
defenestratd: A new bike? c:
Tuna Santoire: But it wouldn't be a surprise then. |C
defenestratd: What am I going to get YOU for Christmas? D8
Tuna Santoire: ...c|
Tuna Santoire: Use your imagination.
defenestratd: oand.
Tuna Santoire: YEY.
defenestratd: LOLWHY ARE PEOPLE SAYING THI-- yey whut.
Tuna Santoire: I like this one.
Tuna Santoire: Okay continue.
Tuna Santoire: -sits primly in chair and waits-
defenestratd: ngs about Cal... Cala...... THATONEPERSON I'VE NEVER EVEN MET HER. >:C
Tuna Santoire: Calamity.
Tuna Santoire: Fayne started the OTP thing.
Tuna Santoire: cB
Tuna Santoire: lol.
Tuna Santoire: I'MA-huh.
Tuna Santoire: OOMPa.
Tuna Santoire: LOOMPA.
defenestratd: DOOMPITY
Tuna Santoire: doompaty doo.
Tuna Santoire: -owned-
Tuna Santoire: ...George.
defenestratd: huh.
Tuna Santoire: Since when is your last name dfnstrtd.
defenestratd: Since a week ago. cB
Tuna Santoire: Why was I not informed of this.
Tuna Santoire: -cry-
defenestratd: Because.... you were out.
defenestratd: :c
Tuna Santoire: What.
defenestratd: And Her wouldn't tell me what you were doing! D8
Tuna Santoire: OOOOH.
Tuna Santoire: TUESDAY.
defenestratd: Yeahthat
Tuna Santoire: -calls Key-
Tuna Santoire: -still...calling Key-
Tuna Santoire: what the hockey sticks.
Tuna Santoire: You know that Fred kid.
Tuna Santoire: He has a Fred shirt.
defenestratd: On Youtube?
Tuna Santoire: I'm gonna get you-yes.
Tuna Santoire: A.
Tuna Santoire: GEORGE.
Tuna Santoire: shirt.
defenestratd: SS
Tuna Santoire: -will totally not write George on a plain shirt in magic marker SHHH-
defenestratd: Did Key answer yet?
Tuna Santoire: No.
defenestratd: Try to call Her.
Tuna Santoire: He prolly doesn't want to talk to me after yesterday.
defenestratd: What did you do to him?
Tuna Santoire: Stuck his leg in the toilet and flushed it. cB
Tuna Santoire: It got clogged. :c
defenestratd: Did you get it out.
Tuna Santoire: No.
Tuna Santoire: I kind of...left him there.
defenestratd: Is he still there?
Tuna Santoire: ...uh.
Tuna Santoire: shit.
Tuna Santoire: -runs back to house and looks in bathroom-
Tuna Santoire: GEORGE.
Tuna Santoire: HE'S ALL BLUE.
defenestratd: WHAT.
defenestratd: ....... oh.
defenestratd: I think that means...... he's..... choking?
Tuna Santoire: OH.
defenestratd: He breathes through his feet.
Tuna Santoire: ...really?
Tuna Santoire: Woah.
Tuna Santoire: But doesn't he get suffocated from walking?
defenestratd: I always see him barefoot.
Tuna Santoire: Sure, but.
Tuna Santoire: Every time he takes a step.
Tuna Santoire: Is it...does he breath from the top?
Tuna Santoire: Or the hell?
Tuna Santoire: ...HEEL?
Tuna Santoire: -fail-
defenestratd: The.... little round thing.
Tuna Santoire: OOOH.
Tuna Santoire: HIS BIG TOE.
Tuna Santoire: -stares at-
defenestratd: No, the rounf thing on his ankleee.e
Tuna Santoire: OH.
Tuna Santoire: -stares at round thing on ankle-
Tuna Santoire: Bloody hell, that's a big mouth I've never seen before.
defenestratd: big feet?
Tuna Santoire: cB
defenestratd: I HAVE AN IDEA.
Tuna Santoire: LET'S -wat.
defenestratd: -runs out of bathroom and upstairs-
defenestratd: ....
defenestratd: .....
defenestratd: -epically slides back down on his bum-
Tuna Santoire: hi.
defenestratd: -runs back into bathroom and hands a card to Tuna-
Tuna Santoire: Card?
Tuna Santoire: forwhat.
Tuna Santoire: c:
defenestratd: IT'SBULBASAUR he'salwayswantedone.
Tuna Santoire: OH OKAY.
Tuna Santoire: -pulls Key out of toilet-
Tuna Santoire: ...oh.
Tuna Santoire: His foot came off.
defenestratd: I'LL GO GET TAPE.
defenestratd: -flies off-
Tuna Santoire: k.
Tuna Santoire: GOOD BOY.
defenestratd: -runs back in and hands Tuna duct tape-
Tuna Santoire: YEY.
Tuna Santoire: -fix-
defenestratd: DO you think it'll hold it on?
Tuna Santoire: I dunno.
Tuna Santoire: LET'S MAKE A BET.
Tuna Santoire: judging my mending skills.
Tuna Santoire: I say no.
defenestratd: I think it'll fall off when you but him down.
Tuna Santoire: Okay.
defenestratd: put him down.
Tuna Santoire: -stands Key rightside up-
Tuna Santoire: -Key falls over + leg flies out the window-
defenestratd: Oops.
Tuna Santoire: -looks out window- It hit some little girl.
defenestratd: -runs up to window and looks out- It looks like Pan to me.
Tuna Santoire: ...ohgod.
defenestratd: TUNA, HOW'D SHE GET OUT AGAIN.
Tuna Santoire: NOT ME.
Tuna Santoire: I SWEAR.
defenestratd: -runs off, carrying Key-
Tuna Santoire: -gets weapon + flees after-
Tuna Santoire: Our attic is hot.
defenestratd: -digs through many different boxes-
defenestratd: -find cheetahprinted thong and stretches- What's this?
Tuna Santoire: ...
Tuna Santoire: I have no idea.
Tuna Santoire: -strangled voice-
Tuna Santoire: -throws out window, hits some old guy-
Tuna Santoire: -hears old guy yelling SWEET-
Tuna Santoire: hmm.
Tuna Santoire: And apple juice for the little ones. c:
defenestratd: -grabs and inhales-
defenestratd: -looks through more boxes-
Tuna Santoire: -does too-
Tuna Santoire: WOOOAH.
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
Tuna Santoire: Andlook there's an old tv up herelol LET'S PLAY.
defenestratd: PLUG IT IN PLUG IT IN
Tuna Santoire: -PLUGSITIN-
defenestratd: Whatdoyouwanttoplay.
Tuna Santoire: Uh.
defenestratd: That's for Gamecube I thought/
Tuna Santoire: Shhh.
defenestratd: oh oh oh.
defenestratd: Howabout.
defenestratd: Banjo & Kazooie.
defenestratd: cB
Tuna Santoire: lol k.
defenestratd: -puts cartridge in-
Tuna Santoire: I know what we're buying for Key.
defenestratd: What.
Tuna Santoire: This.
Tuna Santoire: -grabs pink thong from box + holds up-
defenestratd: Speakingofhim
defenestratd: Where did he go?
Tuna Santoire: Uh.
Tuna Santoire: oh.
Tuna Santoire: We left him as Panbait on the kitchen counter.
Tuna Santoire: Duh.
defenestratd: -hears crashes and gunshots-
defenestratd: Do we go get him?
Tuna Santoire: Nah.
Tuna Santoire: He'll be fine.
Tuna Santoire: Maybe.
defenestratd: I think I just heard someone scream. :c
Tuna Santoire: And besides, he left some of his will to me. c|
Tuna Santoire: so.
Tuna Santoire: They're just having a lot of gun-FUN.
defenestratd: -looks in another box and pulls out suitcase- What's this do?
Tuna Santoire: ohshit.
defenestratd: What.
Tuna Santoire: Nothing.
defenestratd: What do you want me to do with it.
Tuna Santoire: Uh.
Tuna Santoire: Just...put it under that sofa.
defenestratd: -kicks under sofa-
defenestratd: What was in it.
Tuna Santoire: DAH
Tuna Santoire: -explosion-
defenestratd: sdfghyjkl
Tuna Santoire: -grabs George + pulls both behind boxes-
defenestratd: AAhh
defenestratd: -covers eyes-
defenestratd: Isitover.
Tuna Santoire: Yes.
defenestratd: -peeks over box-
Tuna Santoire: -hair is singed-
defenestratd: The Playstation died. :c
Tuna Santoire: :c
Tuna Santoire: On the bright side.
Tuna Santoire: I think the gunshots stopped.
Tuna Santoire: -opens attick door & looks downstairs-
Tuna Santoire: Oh my.
defenestratd: What. :c
Tuna Santoire: Uh.
Tuna Santoire: Good thing we have tile floors.
Tuna Santoire: Get the mop, babe. And the sponge.
Tuna Santoire: And wash fluid.
defenestratd: -digs through boxes-
defenestratd: ....
Tuna Santoire: -grabs a bottle of vinegar and rolls up sleeves-
defenestratd: I found a toothbrush, a moldy pear, and a bottle of what looks like pee.
defenestratd: .........
Tuna Santoire: What kind of pee.
defenestratd: ........ The...... pee kind?
Tuna Santoire: -sniffs-
Tuna Santoire: t-rex pee. cB
defenestratd: What do we do now.
Tuna Santoire: Clean up.
defenestratd: What is Pan is still down there.
Tuna Santoire: -grabs shotgun, hands vinegar to George and runs downstairs-
Tuna Santoire: -yells up- WE'RE GOOD.
Tuna Santoire: DAMN.
defenestratd: -smells pear and walks downstairs-
defenestratd: -puts everything on the counter- Where's Key?
Tuna Santoire: All over the place.
defenestratd: -lifts foot and looks on bottom of shoe-
Tuna Santoire: Is it red.
defenestratd: Green.
Tuna Santoire: Yep, that's Key.
defenestratd: -scrubs off with toothbrush- Will we be able to put him back together?
Tuna Santoire: No.
defenestratd: What do we tell Her?
Tuna Santoire: ...shit.
Tuna Santoire: -thinks-
Tuna Santoire: McDonald's drive by shooting.
defenestratd: -smells bottom of shoe- What if she doens't believe it.
Tuna Santoire: What about Burger King.
defenestratd: How about.......
defenestratd: Toys R Us rampage for the Tickle Me Elmos.
Tuna Santoire: YES.
defenestratd: ........
defenestratd: D'you think they caught Pan yet?
Tuna Santoire: No.
Tuna Santoire: Don't bother locking the doors. She'll get in anyway.
defenestratd: I wonder if Key went to a good place.
Tuna Santoire: Don't worry.
Tuna Santoire: He went to that big Her fanclub slumber party in the sky.
defenestratd: Where are you going? -begins to scrub floor-
Tuna Santoire: Uh.
Tuna Santoire: -thinks-
Tuna Santoire: That big bar/shooting arena in the sky.
Tuna Santoire: LIKE BENNY LOPEZ. cB
defenestratd: I want to go to a ball pit in the sky when I blow up into green chunks.
defenestratd: c:
Tuna Santoire: Honey, your chunks are gonna be pink.
Tuna Santoire: Trust me on this one.
Tuna Santoire: -headpat-
defenestratd: ............
defenestratd: What about yours?
Tuna Santoire: Uh.
Tuna Santoire: How about blue.
Tuna Santoire: I like blue.
defenestratd: Her's?
Tuna Santoire: Gold.
defenestratd: Pan's?
Tuna Santoire: Orange.
Tuna Santoire: duh.
defenestratd: .............
defenestratd: Why are mine pink?
Tuna Santoire: Because you eat so many gummy bears.
defenestratd: But there are more gummybear colors than pink. :c
defenestratd: Green
defenestratd: Red
defenestratd: Yellow
defenestratd: White
defenestratd: Blue
defenestratd: Orange
Tuna Santoire: Swirled together in your tummy = pink.
defenestratd: ........... k
defenestratd: What about everything else I eat?
Tuna Santoire: It turns pink.
Tuna Santoire: Because of your special hormones.
defenestratd: Hormones?
Tuna Santoire: The things inside you that make
Tuna Santoire: K.
Tuna Santoire: -orders spaghetti tacos=
defenestratd: -holds up I <3 Bale t-shirt he found-
Tuna Santoire: Where do you find this stuff.
defenestratd: cafepress.
Tuna Santoire: -knew he was going to say that-
defenestratd: Do you want it for Christmas.
Tuna Santoire: YES.
defenestratd: k
Tuna Santoire: I'll buy you that bike then. cB
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
defenestratd: 8D
Tuna Santoire: What color?
defenestratd: Green
defenestratd: or blue
Tuna Santoire: k.
defenestratd: -sneezes-
Tuna Santoire: -fell asleep on couch-
defenestratd: Tuna?
Tuna Santoire: z.
defenestratd: -looks out window-
Tuna Santoire: z.
defenestratd: -ducks while window is shot out-
defenestratd: Tunaaaaaa
Tuna Santoire: zzzzz.
defenestratd: Tuna.... -shakes shoulder-
Tuna Santoire: z-what.
defenestratd: Something's outside.
Tuna Santoire: k.
Tuna Santoire: -falls back asleep-
defenestratd: ........
defenestratd: .....
defenestratd: -whispers in ear- There's beer on sale down the street.
Tuna Santoire: -JERKSAWAKE-
Tuna Santoire: ILU.
Tuna Santoire: -runs outside + down street-
defenestratd: c:
defenestratd: -chases after-
Tuna Santoire: MIIIIINE.
Tuna Santoire: -tackles sale table and shoves salesman's head in a bottle-
Tuna Santoire: MINE.
Tuna Santoire: -grabs crates + flees back to house-
defenestratd: -trips in and falls on face-
Tuna Santoire: -SUDDENSTOP-
Tuna Santoire: -pivot on one foot-
Tuna Santoire: Dude.
Tuna Santoire: You okay.
defenestratd: -lifts hand and waves it-
Tuna Santoire: k.
defenestratd: -muffled- Do they have any gummy bears.
Tuna Santoire: Yes.
defenestratd: Canhas.
Tuna Santoire: y.
defenestratd: k
defenestratd: {I am going to copy & paste this then post it on the community site. |D}
Tuna Santoire: (LOL YOU STOLE MY IDEA)
defenestratd: {Fineyoudoitlol}
Tuna Santoire: (YEY)
Raping her way through drama since '07.