Sorry guys, I hav been away for a very, very long time. Well here is the reason:
- My computer collapsed, again.
But this time I have brought a new computer, that is 100% healthy(YAY), so, well, I think Bellie is back on track again.

I don't know how many of you guys that remember me, but I'll hope that some does.
And please!
When my computer collapsed, all my special pelts disappeared, so well, Bellie is the original color.
My pelts/Antlers/masks I am missing: Zombie pelt, skeleton pelt, Zombie antlers and the skull mask. Can someone plz send those spells by e-mail to me? That would be wonderful!
~ Bellie
The Draak picto lookalike!
Welcome back (again)!
I don't have the skull mask with the skeleton pelt unfortunately, but you came back at a good time. The Big Zombie deer should be in soon, and you can get the zombie spells from him. =]
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Thx alot!! Oohh, nice! How
Oohh, nice! How soon? 8D
I'm not sure when. |D We
The BZD will definitely be around for at least a week before Halloween though. Or I hope so. XD;
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Cool! 8D I have seen him
I have seen him once, he is really big big biiiig. xD
*Gasp* *Armflails* BELLLIEEEE
And welcome back again XD Your computer sure seems to give you trouble, I hope it works now <3 I'd love to see Bellie in the forest again! I wonder if she remembers Seele. XDD And yes, I hope the BZD will be in soon too! I can't wait really.
How are you dear?
--Stays a lonely Seele
THANKS! and yes, it had. BAAAD COMPUTER, I'll hope that my new one will work correct now. 8D
Of course Bellie remembers Seele!
She wants to play with him, she is so.. happy! :3
Im fine thank you! Right now Bellie is playing fish under water. 8D
Wanna come?
How are u? <3
YAY! That was fun X"D I
And I'm pretty fine! Busy at a new school and such, boy it's hard work, but I love it. I've got a new laptop, too! XD Oh, and there was a party going on in the forest, in case you hadn't noticed (Lol, like, wut), so Seele dragged Bellie along to it. XD
--Stays a lonely Seele
HAHAHAHA, I had fun too.
Mwahhaa, i like to...uuhhm..swim?.. with the fishies in the pond, but it was even more fun when you came!!!
And.. hmm, no, actually I didn't notice the party, so thx to seele, hahaha. Well, Bellie loves party, but now.. she has to much energy to.. hm, go to a dance party! SHE WANTED TO RUN!(if you hadn't noticed, hahahha, lol. xD)
WHEN THE HALLOWEEN PARTY COMES, I AM NOT GONNA MISS IT! I PROMISE *must check backup server, so I don't miss abio again xD* and Bellie miss the zombie deer, but she is a littlebit scared of it though.. lolz! XD
8DDD I still remember you xD
DraakxMitra C:
yesssssss I am. 8D YOU WONT
8DDD WOO. If I have Draak in
WOO. If I have Draak in he'll come up and say hi :B
DraakxMitra C:
hihihihih, yuuppiiiie! 8D -
- I am going to school in 5 minutes, so i will be back around 4.
ooh 8D o: I hope I manage to
o: I hope I manage to catch you 8o
DraakxMitra C:
HI, IM BACK. X3 Bellie is
Bellie is sleeping on the bottom of the pond! xD looolz! x3
Aw damn, I was Livestreaming
DraakxMitra C:
hahahah. im back now anyway.
im back now anyway. 8D muahhaha