The beginning is the end...Genesis.

Yara's picture

"Fire wins out over my self doubt.
Her blue sea was seeking me.
Broken dreams were breaking me.
Swam into the deep blue sea.
Days were heavy with despair.
Broken dreams were breaking me.
Burnt my file and I was free.
Swam into the deep blue sea.
Never went back home again.
Yesterday it fades away.
Fire wins out over my self doubt.

Her blue sea was seeking me.
Fire wins out over my self doubt.
Still I've never ever known love."

Reyy's picture

captivating give me more

give me more
ShadowsofLight's picture

-curious track- that girl is

-curious track-

that girl is really pretty.

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Spirituelle's picture



You have my full attention.

You have my full attention.
Yara's picture

I appreciate that, I am glad

I appreciate that, I am glad to have intrigued you. If you look at my bio, it gives a bit more information as to how this passage relates to my character. Just thought I'd say.
"I've got the spirit, but lose the feeling"
Reyy's picture

Remember to change your mp3

Remember to change your mp3 after you copy and paste the code.
You can do so at and just copy and paste Direct Hotlink.
Reyy's picture

Lookin' good.

Lookin' good.