Maybe, in some distant place, everything is already, quietly, lost. Or at least there exists a silent place where everything can disappear, melting together in a single, overlapping figure. And as we live our lives we discover - drawing toward us the thin threads attached to each - what has been lost. I closed my eyes and tried to bring to mind as many beautiful lost things as I could. Drawing them closer, holding on to them. Knowing all the while that their lives are fleeting.
~~ H. Murakami
Apparently my deer wrote a journal entry a couple days ago on All Souls' Day. An unusual and wondrous meeting. Given the nature of the holiday and her being an old lady sometimes, she got a little overly sentimental. Don't mind her, she doesn't realize I've gotten a hold of her personal diary.
She could not see her, of course, but in some way 21 knew herself to be in special company that afternoon.
Oh my god Ephra this is
Everything about this is just...
Woah.. {Click to view Nine's
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Breathtaking images. ---
Gosh Ephra that is too
And yah, your skills are like, woah! You've gotten so much better it's unbelievable! <33333333
A Red Deer
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.
Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
Simply beautiful. I have to
Oh my goodness Ephra... I
I really don't know what to say.. I'm just stunned at the beauty of this >w< ;A;
I just... love this so much. -speachless o.o-
|x- Laurette's Biography -x|
Goodness, this is wonderful
[Sir Dag]
G-g-gorgeus. Your skills are
Mariella | Flyra
Epic beauty you present<3 I
The verse you chose is so
I really adore how you painted the candles in the first image, the wax dripping off and the little glow around each. The atmosphere in the second image is so disheartening, a little unicorn in the rain, in a graveyard but through your painting it has become beautiful.
Beautiful! I especially
;A; Ephra...This is
-- Dannii <3
:O oh my ephra!! that is so
oh my ephra!! that is so lovely, your art is really magical i love it!!! x
so happy to make 21 happy, its really nice x
Beautiful It's amazing
It's amazing
Your mind is so beautiful. If
If you make a book of nothing but pictures I swear I'll be the first buy. <3