-back flips-

Blackhoof's picture

I wish I could just go crazy and start buying art supplies
like crazy. GAAAH! I don't know why I'm excited for, really
it's a real random emotion that came from no where. But I guess
I was just thinking about random supplies.

I know, pretty dumb to get excited of such things. While
most people get excited from new clothes, and other things I
get excited over art supplies ^^'

But there was a couple of art supplies I have been wanting,
and knowing that I live almost one street away from the store that
has them makes me flip.

I remember when I first had heard of digitial art, that was a real
flip for me. But sadly but so, it was expensive at the time and I couldn't get
it. Now the prices have gotten even higher, and really, to be painfully true
chances are I probably won't get the one I want any time soon.

But while I was little dreaming of the huge world
of digitial art I spent my time experimenting with ink.
I don't dream of the art I use to anymore, my mind
has a strange obsession with brushes, pens, and
blotches of ink : D

Trouble with my obsession is I never know if it is truely
for me. I love to experiment, I don't think I would know
anyone who dousn't. But I would hate to buy something
and let it go to waste.
-back flips anyway-

Yes, dis indeed is a random post to release my excitment,
that grows for no apparent reason, but possibly because
of art supplies ^^?

-eats cookie and feels kinda dumb-

"my mind has a strange

"my mind has a strange obsession with brushes, pens, and blotches of ink" Shocked! I thought I was alone lol!

Don't worry about being dumb Sticking out tongue my friends tease me over my old/cool paper obsession lol

~Aztec priest of The Forest~