Baal and Ghost -- COMPLETED :)

incatern's picture
"Hate leaves ugly scars, love leaves beautiful ones." - Mignon McLaughlin (a quote I found that fitted somehow.) Other image below.

Not sure if the fawn should be in first position or second position. Second seems much more...intimate and gentle but it kind of covers up some details. Feedback? Suggestions? Also, would anyone be interested if I were to offer these as commission pieces?
Haru's picture

This is seriously amazing, I

This is seriously amazing, I can't even begin to put it into words. The amount of work this must of makes my hand hurt just thinking about it (I'm no stranger to cutting paper 8'D) And all of those little details @u@
And just to offer a bit of advice on positioning, I think the second position would be your best choice. The first is adorable and it does show off all the small details but the second is, as you said, much more intimate and looks more...natural than the first, if that makes much sense at all.
Geeze I really didn't mean for this comment to turn into a book, haha! Seriously though, this is really just plain epic. I commend you on a job well done~
incatern's picture

Thank you very much <3

Thank you very much <3 Smiling
Mis's picture

Ah love those leaves! Very

Ah love those leaves! Very cute, still! I'm personally far more fond of the first position. It's a lot more natural and in my eyes more intimate too? The second position looks like a game, like she is sliding off. It seems to defy gravity a bit. In the first one she is laying nicely and they look closer because his leg is wrapped around her in a sense, overlapping her.
But those are just my 2 cents!
incatern's picture

yeah. thanks for the advice

yeah. thanks for the advice guys. I was definitely going for the sitting in front one myself. Smiling
Baal's picture

I'm rather fond of the first

I'm rather fond of the first version myself. ^^ This is so very precious! ♥
Amazegenalo's picture

This is beautiful and quite

This is beautiful and quite creative. I wonder... how big are they?

First... They're amazing.

First... They're amazing.
incatern's picture

Thank you Um the bigger

Thank you Smiling Um the bigger figure is about 13cmx13cm. Smiling

OH. MY. GOD. This is so


This is so beautiful! I.. nnghhf;; What do I even say to this? I'm totally freaking out over it and it isn't even mine! Paper cut-outs (either that or you are a BEAST at Photoshop) like these have such an intense appeal. They're so adorable, but the technicality involved is astronomical.
If I had a Paypal of my own, I would definitely get one for myself. That's saying a lot because I am a cheapskate lol.
incatern's picture

)) Awww Fishbiscuit you make

Smiling)) Awww Fishbiscuit you make me happy haha (loving the GIF btw still laughing). I wish I could say I was as beast at photoshop...those would be the days. The other day I had to ask my friend how to rotate something XD.
Thank you everybody Laughing out loud You guys are all so nice x and encouraging
Eledhwen22's picture

Wow, amazing *_* I've never

Wow, amazing *_* I've never seen artworks in paper like that, you're so talented ! I'm poor too, sorry .. If not, I would love to commission you. I'm sure you'll find interested people Smiling.
Siggy by Shiori

incatern's picture

Thank you Shameless self

Thank you Smiling Shameless self promotion coming up - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED XD
link to interest gauging page =

The first is definitely my

The first is definitely my favorite. This is amazing work.