Ayanel's Diary entry 4

Ayanel's picture

"Who's There?"

I awoke today and nearly gave myself a rather big fright when I looked into the lake water's and saw most of my spots where almost gone. I stared for a minute or two and looked up in time to see a few adults moving my way. I quietly got up and moved off and away from them. I still could not see myself approaching them. Lately I even found myself becoming slightly shy around other fawns.

I was already somewhat bigger then most of them and my pelt has become slightly darker. Now that my spots seem to be vanishing I really didn't know what to do with myself. I just quietly went on my way. Just a shadow among the trees. Not many noticed me and those few Adults that did I would run from.. This fear seems to be getting out of hand. Try as I might I can't approach an adult. What am I to do with myself.

I decided to go a little farther then what I am used to and found myself at a graveyard of some sort. I curiously investigated the area seeing an odd cage in the middle. I squeezed through the bars and sat there. After some time past I fell asleep. I dreamed again. A family being close to me. A mother and father to lay with me. To play and romp with me. Then I saw them fade as tears fell from my eyes. I called for them to come back. Yet they continued to fade. I woke with a start. No one was there I was alone again.

I looked down as sadness overtook me as it has done many times before. I took a deep breath and stood up shaking the tears away from my eyes. I moved through the bars and out. I was about to leave when I heard an odd sound. Someone talking I think. I moved over to a wall segment and crouched a little as I moved towards the sound. When I heard that it was a young voice I stood up and moved forwards calling out. This fawn was much younger then myself and I looked down shyly. I was much bigger then him. He tilted his head and came close but I backed away slightly in fear. "There I go again" I thought in the back of my mind.

The young fawn tilted his head in my direction. He seemed so confused at my actions. I tried to speak an apology when he suddenly moved close to me and nuzzled me. I backed immediately, an impulse I suppose. I stopped then and sighed and tried to nuzzle back. I apologized to him quickly. He didn't seem to mind. He asked me why I tried to run, but I could not come up with an answer. I just said sorry and looked down. He nuzzled me again and looked around and then back at me. "Wanna play?" he asked me. I couldn't help but smile at him as he ran ahead and looked back watching to see if I would follow. I did and I ended up playing with him for a very long time.

I learned that his name was Touraga and that he was just as alone as I was. We played and played. At one time an adult came over and I backed away. Touraga didn't tho. He just bowed right back. I tried to do the same also but I got to nervous and ended up hiding behind Touraga. I felt so embarrassed and sad when the adult left. Touraga just nuzzled me "It's ok." he said and smiled. After that we continued to play. Soon we both got very tiered I nuzzled him and smiled as I went to leave. He came up quickly and nuzzled me again and said he wanted to be my friend. I just nodded and smiled. I had never had anyone say that to me. I went off towards the great tree and laid inside a smile on my face. I hope to see Touraga tomorrow. It would make me so happy.