Auge's Fawny Belly

Draak's picture
xD Just a quick little drawing I did after/during Draak was in the forest last night.

Got the idea when we were all messing around XD. There's Pep/Selig, Quammy, Draak and Auge.
Tuhka's picture

Yays! That tree trunk dance

Yays! That tree trunk dance line was awesome 8>

Draak's picture

8D it was, it was like...a

8D it was, it was like...a Deer train Laughing out loud
Seele's picture

I called it the fail-train

I called it the fail-train LOL XDD I got lotta screenshots, if the saved LOL. AWW those faces are so cuute <3!! AUGE LOOKS HAPPEHH!! <3<3 QUAMAR HAS BIG BATWING ANTLERS o.o!! Auge had a nice day tooo Laughing out loud She was happeh to see her friends. Same-pelt partah TRAIN XDD That fawn was so cute.. Allright I'm too happy.
Belly <3

--Stays a lonely Seele

LOL! Those faces X"D!

LOL! Those faces X"D! Wth...on the right D:! X3 ..XD batwings o.o...

OI, give 'er some room! >| It needs time to grooow!

Calm down Sol >>..

~For things to be in balance, there must first be two opposites.

~Celebrate the past, Commemorate the present, Live the Future.
Draak's picture


Laughing out loud I got a whole pile of screenshots too xD + ones I accidentally took while talking on msn XDD.
Yeah, I wasn't using a ref for them until the last minute so they came out bat wing like XD. Draak was happy to see Auge cos it'd been ages since he's seen one of your deer xD and he wanted to say Congraaaaaaaats X3

XDDD I love putting random faces like this on deer Laughing out loud.
Draak: o.o *backs away*
Seele's picture

Always happens to me too XD

Always happens to me too XD That P just isn''t convenient LOL. I luv them like this! It's quite a concept for something that turned out randomly from your mind XD Nyaww poor Draak. I was happeh to see him around tooo <3 I guess our time-zones are screwed up or something like that o.o"" It''s odd since we used to meet more often mooonths ago!

--Stays a lonely Seele
Draak's picture

XDDD its like *load

XDDD its like *load TEF*...*Pictos separate, wander around find a buddy and then..everyone comes online on msn* XD. Yeah? 8D
Yeah they must be or something, hmmm well I come all the way from Aus so yeah XD
Noekie's picture


cool! Smiling
Draak's picture

Thankies :3

Thankies :3