August 8, 2011 - 3:17am — BluedeerLegend18
I am planning on something with Pierce and Voice after all the black deer crap and stuff is over. And I need three players for the plot. Read under cut.
I need;
A virgin doe (not a fawn, a mature doe that's never mated before)
A fawn player.
And finally;
A stag that is totally unrelated to both the fawn and the doe.
I may need more characters on the way, but I think this is it.
Perhaps you could elaborate
Honeyfur- Thing is I wanted
Quad- I had a motherly doe in mind, however now that I think of it a not-so-motherly doe would be extremely interesting (no offense, I just never saw Zephyr as a motherly type doe). I will think about it.
BEHOLD!!!! -pauses
I could join, but I'm a
Gruffen: Go ask your parents
LOL. And tell us what they
^ -chokedie- Track of
Track of curious~
The can of behold!!! Ok I am
@Z.M look it up in
Tera: I laughed so hard my
I laughed so hard my binding came off ):
I have an virgin doe, my doe
hit me up on msn, I would love to help out.
Just to let you guys know. I
I will be inactive for a while, and plus I do not have MSN (...yet) however I have an email.