Art Trades Open, 2 Slots (Slightly Image Heavy)

ToxicCreed's picture
I've seen a lot of others doing them, and I'm curious... really, if I should open them up myself just for the time being. I need more practice with my Deer Bodies and human faces so it might be fun, though I'm more prone and knowledged in drawing Dragons and... Pokemon as of late XD You can find some of my recent, deer artwork on the bios here but for other things... *grabs links*

Edit: Well I think it's been kinda answered already, be warned. Most of my pictures will likely be sketches, if they get colored it'll be a miracle. For now, I'll only open up maybe 3 slots, depending on if Maji wants to do a trade with me Sticking out tongue

1) MrsHalloween - Complete
2) Licorice
3) Spiritslife - Complete
4) Open
5) Open

Custom Legendary Pokemon named Zaetras, I hate muscles but that looks darn good...

Entei all muscled, disgusting and nasty looking Laughing out loud

A very creepy Shaymin >_>

Smoochies Laughing out loud (Tis Lucifer and Sactaren, who belongs to Kari <3)

Vylefang, who is a custom dragon species of mine known as the Phase Shriekers

Eclipse, who is another Phase Shrieker.

Lord Morgain, who is another custom species known as Aviur Demon

Servis, who is also an Aviur Demon

Korvis, who is yet again an Aviur Demon


What I will Draw for the most part is anything in the general save for things like Mechanics, backgrounds, etc.

I'm willing to work with trying to get practice at deer bodies but if you'd like to see one of your characters as something else feel free to ask. Again, I'm not SURE if I want to do Trades or Requests, likely, I don't want to do requests, but Trades might work out.

So what do you guys think? Should I open Trades or not?

Votes Yes -wants a trade-

Votes Yes -wants a trade- ^^
Licorice's picture

Aha, I'd like a trade as

Aha, I'd like a trade as well~! c=
ToxicCreed's picture

Well then, I shall open up 3

Well then, I shall open up 3 slots for now, which... 2 have been taken up already Sticking out tongue 1 more left! Who gets it X3

~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia

Would you do my boy? The

Would you do my boy? The Omen And who would you want me to do in return or would you rather have it a surprise? Oh and what type (pixel, anthro, deer)
ToxicCreed's picture

Ooooooooo such a lovely

Ooooooooo such a lovely stag, he shall be fun to draw ^^

Hmmmmmm, I'd say Deer and as far as which one... I'm growing to love my Claudia a lot so a surprise art of her would be interesting :3

Also HINDER! I didn't expect to hear that on his page! Now I'm going to stalk there for awhile, because I love that song <3

~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia

-laughs- Thank you! He's

-laughs- Thank you! He's totally not my theme (Halloween) but, when his name popped up in my head, I had to breath life into him. He's turning out to be my muse! XD
The funny thing was, if you had let me choose, I was set on Claudia! Shocked
Yep, Hinder is awesome! It just fits him. XD Austin's voice is beautiful!