personal - a new pelt for Rumen - BRumance II - BRumance - feathered edition - RuBen II (detail) - Home - Rumen - RuBen I - BRumance I | random TEF - + - + - + - + - birb - wuna - + - + - + - + - + - gada - gauka - + - + - + - shhheep - + - + - + - + - Cygnus (got adopted by Apoidea) - + - + - + - grumpy deer pile - /inea - + - + (inspired by + - +) - + - + - + - "Roloway Monkey" - + - "big bat dude" - + - fluffy 'n stuff - random doodles - + - "little bat dude" (got adopted by Caeleste) - silhouettes: I - II - III - IV - V - red lines - vorwärts | |
non-TEF - + - Belugas and River Dolphins - sketchbook doodles - Lisferja - Vulpes vulpes - Castiel (based on x) - Pummelbirne - Welthund - Drachenbaum (dragon tree) - Leu: I II III IV | Harmony ♥ - + - + - Negoho - Wintersun - + - Rumen - + - + - Bu - + - Liafwin - Do you see that? - Dead End - Moss & Rumen - + - Autumn - Shale - + - Frost II - Frost I (got adopted by hoactzin) - Brothers - + - + - + - + |
This is the most awesome
Red Devil......
Oh! I am in LOVE with those
I dunno, I'm really digging
Auww he looks so powerfull !!
♥ ♥
The devil with a crack down
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Such dynamic pose. I love the
My special love goes to the furthest hind leg for some reason. It's just plain awesome.
Fly: Oh youuu~ thank you very
Chantico: Thank you. I don't know why but they were a pain in the ass to draw. xD So I'm glad someone likes them.
RikkaChan: Thank you. I guess his face is terrible impractical... having no mouth, no eyelids and a gaping crack. Now that I think about it it is kinda creepy. °___°
Dampir: Thank you very much, Dampir. c:
Vala: Powerful or ominous is what I was going for. I'm happy I got it somehow right. Thank you. <3
niriya: Thank you. c: Teach you how to draw cracks? Like in a crack tutorial? xD
Narina: Thanks a lot. I'm happy with the perspective as well. It was my major focus. And I have to give some credit for that leg to Butterbrot. She gave me some advice for it's position. <3
That sounds a bit weird once
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
>.> <.< (: /sits
/sits too -u-
Awesome work ....Your Art is
I can see the veins through
♥ ♥
Hmm. It looks like wood to
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Aww thank you for tracking
wocio: Hey there! Where have you been? It's good to see you again. ^__^
niriya & Vala: I think it's a mishmash of wood and veins. I thought of wood whilst drawing it but named the file 'veins'. C:
Love the way you draw faces.
Hmmmmm....so sweet ...I am in
I love what you added today!
I love what you added today!
My net messed up. So have double the love <3
RikkaChan: Makes me happy
Fly & acer: Thanks a lot guys. <3 There might follow more pictures like 'silhouette'. I enjoyed drawing it in it's simplicity.
I admire your unique style.
Seeing your art just makes me
Thankfully, I'm good at resisting those urges, but it really is beautiful!
How beautiful. ♥
DinahMoon, acer &
Oh my... thank you for your kind words. <333 I'm feeling quite flattered right now. Makes me happy to see that you like my stuff, guys. ^__^"
-settles down- :>
WonderfullySarcastic: Oh hai
Ahhhh! Number two and three
-loves on silhouettes I,II
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Yes ...i really like this
Ah, I love your
Following this.
I admire you..... ( your art
♥ ♥
Thanks a lot for being
So once again: thank you all. <3
@acer: Ah yes that little guy there in the grass... he's my favourite part in that picture, too. :3
Yay, Flyleaf! I seriously
Your new "Silhouette" is
Thank you again for the Siggy
RikkaChan: Thank you. ^__^
Fly: Thank you. <3 I try my hardest to not draw the same motif all the time but it's still a struggle often times. ^___^" I'm happy you like those silhouettes. And like I said before: you're welcome for the signature. I'm actually glad that you got rid of the old one. It was so very very outdated. xD
Yes, I totally agree. xD It
That's it, I can't take it
*tracks convulsively*
Lol you are right .....but i
That - I - just -
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
I love your style *3* -sits
-sits contently-
FeintHearted: You alright
1Antidote: Thank you very much. c: *hands seat cushion*
That is creepy. But cute. I
BUT. THOSE. LIZARD-DINOS make me wanna do this:
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Thanks, niriya. ^_^ They...
They... um... wanna make you flip? xD
..I guess. >.< They're so
I would've have been bothered.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Ignoring my nerdy dragon-ness, these are so amazing. And with the ballpoint? IMPRESSED!
and the world loves you,
and this my friend, is true.
These are amazing ; A ;;;
That detail jbgjkgld///ded
Pippaloo: Thanks a lot. I'm
xixi: Oh youuu.... thank you. ^____^ I tend to get carried away when drawing with the ball-pen and keep adding detail because I don't want to leave the paper all white. xD
Awh, that lil'bat is so cute.