I was gonna say I shouldn't spam TEF with my doodle junk but Quad was all stfu, this tttttly isn't junk, and I was liek r u sure and he was liek ttttly
So here we are.
Dis here is a piebald deer, which is a colouring I have fallen for as far as deer go. It is random and versatile, which means of course I like it.
My brain is stopped because the autumn winds are started and taking my thoughts away with them.
I'm not kidding.
Also, my arms are tired and it's past my bed time.
quadraptor's picture

Pretty doe is pretty!

Pretty doe is pretty!
ocean's picture

Yes she is.

Yes she is. <3
I love those ears. o:
Tenley's picture

-agrees with quad-

-agrees with quad- nodnodnodndondonod!
Walking into a room and saying, " I should clean this! " Then walking out. -lily

BrokkenSaint's picture

I like the coloring.

I like the coloring.
Tuhka's picture

Love the perspective and the

Love the perspective and the face. Lovely work 8]