Argyle and Elygra

Paavo's picture
Meet my two new fawns: Argyle and Elygra.

I was only going to make one fawn, a doe, but then I heard the name 'Argyle' today and really liked it. I wanted to use it but it didn't sound like a doeish name; so I decided that I'd make two deer: a male and female.

They're nonidentical twins (at least they will be when they grow up). You can tell them apart by their picto and the fact that Elygra wears flowers on her head. (And the fact that they don't appear in the Forest at the same time.)

Their personalities are also polar opposites. Argyle is rough and tough while Elygra is tender and passive.

I'm not sure if I'll get to both of their biographies tonight or not, but that's them.

Argyle's Picto

Elygra's Picto
Deer700's picture

cool! ^^ but whatsup with

cool! ^^ but whatsup with the shadows? D:
Paavo's picture

I had the shadow effects

I had the shadow effects lowered.

Avy by Cato

* Twilight's Child
* "Perfect" Prince