Anzel's sooo anxious!!!!! *bounces*

Anzel's picture
Me: OmgthevideocardisonlyanhourortwoawayfromarrivinghereomgomgomgeveniftheRAMinfoisn'tasclear

Anzel: *sweatdrop* Translation: Video Card's an hour away from here right now, and the RAM...dunno, because Fedex is too lazy to update.

Me: Yeppers, I hooope they both arrriiiive before the post office clooossseeessss~!


Anzel: I'm gonna go into the forest and dance for half an hour, even if the pictos don't spread. Seeya Sticking out tongue
Lyeekha's picture

Congratz! ^^ I'll come in

Congratz! ^^
I'll come in the forest too, and dance with you. Even if you can't see me! Sad
Anzel's picture

15 more minutes of

15 more minutes of dancing...I'm dancing by a dandelion next to a bright patch of light (nearer to the oak than the pond) that's between the pond and the oak Sticking out tongue
Anzel's picture

Pictos never spread, ah well

Pictos never spread, ah well Sticking out tongue

10 more minutes before I have to go XP One more test...math. School is evil. But today's my last day!

(now i'm moonwalking and stuff, lol)
Lyeekha's picture

Couldn't see you. sorry! ;.;

Couldn't see you. sorry! ;.;

congrats! YAYZ!

congrats! YAYZ!