Anzel's early morning travels (picture heavy)

Anzel's picture

(FIU was stuck in a permanent moo, heh...picto-wise, not sound-wise)

Lol XD Anzelfawn and the

Lol XD Anzelfawn and the last one are my favourites <3

-- Dannii <3
Hubalaboo's picture

Aw, beautiful screenies <3 I

Aw, beautiful screenies <3
I also like the last one. Smiling

***Plumeria and Olive's bio***
Lacey's picture

I love the last one~!

I love the last one~! Laughing out loud


Anzel's picture

The fawn was a picto

The fawn was a picto was actually a deer who isn't signed-up on the community site, heh.

And that's one of Anzel's sleeping spots...but mushroom-a-fied. >:D
Hubalaboo's picture

Yayz for mushroomy-ness!

Yayz for mushroomy-ness! Laughing out loud

***Plumeria and Olive's bio***

heh anzel.....iv got a

heh anzel.....iv got a question*raises hand* i was woundering about hangman? wut does his picto look like and do you have him as a character? and other info and stuff?

zomg im picture 5 theres

zomg im picture 5 theres northern lights 8D
Anzel's picture

Erm, why do you ask, Mazey?

Erm, why do you ask, Mazey? Look at my deer biographies, it's there.

And those are sun rays, lol.

um i donno about the hangman

um i donno about the hangman thing......i was just reading about some forest story a while back and i had a compelling urge to ask for no apparent i like learning about other deer meeting them and learning about there personalities, hangman just sounds interesting ^.^

P.S. mazey asks wired questions

P.S.S who thought of drinking cows milk in the first place.....was he/she a sicko or what??? like ill just drink whatever comes out of here and hope it dosent kill me (impersonation of first cow milk drinker)

P.S.S.S another wierd and analyitical question by mazey

P.S.S.S.S thankies ^.^