Anzel? Is that you?

Draak's picture
Draak: We think we spotted you but we're not sure cos the deer we saw wasn't pelted/had your's some pictures we took:

Anzel's picto on the Live Map:

Aaand then in the Forest:
Anzel's picture

I'm...apparently haunting

I'm...apparently haunting the forest? Umm...hmm. What time did you see me yesterday? *confused* I might have been on in the morning, maybe...

I'm going to uninstall TEF soon, actually...

Hmm, peculiar. *pokes ghost me*

(lol, when i saw the title of this, i did the deer 'head tilt')
Draak's picture

uuuuh that time thats on the

uuuuh that time thats on the map picture. But I'm not sure if its right. It was sometime during the evening for me on that day.

(yeah? XDD lol)
Anzel's picture

*doesn't know what time that

*doesn't know what time that is here*
Draak's picture

*not sure of time difference

*not sure of time difference either*