June 2, 2013 - 12:19pm — Saquere
Hi everybody!
I returned after 2 years so I dont know what everything new is here but I noticed when I rub a pine tree it won't give me pine... I tried like all trees in forest. Is there some problem with it? Or is it just me?
Welcome back ouo. At present
At present there are no trees in forest that will give the antler spell - they have been temporarily replaced by dandelions!
If you want a different set of antlers you may either wait until the weather goes back to normal and the dandelions disappear, or have someone (A friend that plays, open another window - I'd be more than happy to help if you need it, too) uncheck the box 'connect automatically' on your game. Close it and press 'connect' manually. By doing this, you do not load the weather, and as such you won't load the dandelions! C:
Just check 'connect automatically' when you're done and the game will return to doing that and loading the weather when you start up.
Gosh, hope that made sense.
Oh thanks I think I'll wait
I think I'll wait until weather change...