Scape: Happy New Year everyone! =D Pega had some time before she had to go to her aunt and uncle's house, so I was able to go into the Forest for a little while.
I woke up to see it was night time, as had been asked of the Twin Gods.
Pega got a cool shot of the Forest fading to night.
And the rumors of giant candles were true! I found Taiko closeby, casting antler spells with another stag and a few fawns. We hung out for awhile, then ran to the Crying Idol when someone broke out the devout pelt. It was there that Seed found us! =D I decided to have a little fun with the giant candles at the Idol, which Seed caught onto.
But Seed got an even better idea!
To land on the candles.
I had a little fun with the flames.
Is Taiko pointing at something on the Idol? O.o
Pega says this makes her think of the Chipmunks again...whatever that means.
After that, Seed prompted a game of devout tag. It didn't last too long, because, well...I missed. We saw a patch of purple flowers with some fireflies buzzing about, though, so we decided to dance there.
I finally met the fawn Seed is good friends with. Lemon if I'm correct.
After dancing, we cast some spells. But then I had to go, as Pega's sister wanted some time on the computer before they had to leave.
So that was my New Year's Eve in the Forest. =]
Later, after Pega's family had celebrated and the new year had began, I reentered the Forest. I'd heard that Michael had been in, and made it snow. The evidence was still there. It was snowing at night. =D
Pega: I had a little fun with the camera angle at the Old Oak. X]
This silliness brought to you by Scape.
Scape: XP It was your idea.
But then dad insisted on switching in when I saw the fawn he'd been playing with was near the Twin Gods statue.
Does this mean 'Net and I have a little brother?
Pega: If aidewolfe is a stag, maybe.
But that would make Magnet the middle child again.
Magnet: Eh? O.o
Scape: XD
Pega: Anyway...back to Radeon. I guess I'll talk for him. He's worn out from that fawn dragging him around.
He hung out with aidenwolfe for awhile, not doing much important, and being more social than normal, as the fawn wanted to meet as many deer as possible. XD I remember when Scape was like that...
Scape: ...uhhh...
Pega: Well, you were. XP
I planned to start writing this entry, so Radeon took his leave.
But then I happened to glance at the map, and saw Auriea's picto. o.o I quickly started the Forest back up, spotting that the Twin God was at the statue hill. And so was aidenwolfe. Radeon arrived to see that Auriea was in her huge plain stag form. The little fawn was freaked out and hid behind Radeon. D=
Aww, it's ok. It's just a Twin God. She won't hurt you.
He tried to reassure the fawn, and eventually he came around. Radeon even got to nuzzle Auriea. =D She took off for the Playground, Radeon following and seeing that aidenwolfe followed too. It was there Auriea switched to her golden form.
She was standing on sightly higher ground, so I thought, "Hey! There's no closeup of the golden pelt! O.O I could get one!"
But she moved before I could hit P in time. XD This was the best I could get.
And then, she put on a mini-show for us! =D
That was all, but it was still nice. =]
They chased her for a bit when she took off, but I wasn't sure if she wanted to be alone or not, cuz I saw her do the sad emote after emerging from the Crying Idol. o.o Radeon followed more slowly afterwords, seeing that she was at the Old Oak next.
If anyone asks, he was following aidenwolfe.
She went off towards the Ruins from there, but they didn't follow. I thought she'd appreciate not having a mob after her for once. ^^; Of course, the fawn tried to follow her again, and since Radeon feels responsible for him(?), he had to follow. XD They never caught up, though, and I'm fine with that. Usually just seeing a God is enough for me, and there'd already been a "show" too. =]
After she vanished, it was back to finding whoever was in the Forest. And the fawn wanted a new set. Spells have been sticking to fawns as you can see from the screenshots. After getting his set, they went off to find other deer to hang out with again. It was getting to be pretty late, though, so Radeon said his farewells and faded from the Forest.
..and holy shi the time.
I'm too wide awake. XD;
EDIT: I've just learned the fawn is named Okami.
OMG!!!! the Gods in TEF! =D
Happy New Year Pegasicorn
[Click Larr's Egg]
Heehee! I saw you guys on
Lemon: Nice to meet you, by the way. You seem like a really nice deer. I wish I could have stuck around longer for the dancing; but maybe I'll see you around the forest again, soon.