Scape attended the second Gathering of Small Animals. He originally went as a bat, but because of a piece of data I had saved sometime back, he was constantly sneezing to different animals. XD
It started with cage-dancing, then the group of creatures migrated - under frog-Quamar's lead - to the Playground, where they danced atop the rock the slanted slab leans against. After some running around and forming a dance line on the "stage rock" in the pattern of frog-squirrel-frog-squirrel, it was back to the Ruins.
This was my favorite part. Becoming the missing Idols at the Ruins.
After the party broke up and everyone else had left, Scape sneezed off his remaining transform spells, and...ended up looking like Magnet. XD He was the one to get spelled in the past. So Scape continued sneezing until he got a set almost like his normal one.
And look who surprised him while I was looking away for a minute!
GoldenWinged! =D (Scape had pelted her. X])
Then they got mobbed by some returning small animals and other deer. It turned into a frenzy of hooves as everyone ran in circles. This calmed enough to form a dance line. Even Liëka made a short appearance to say hello.
Then GW had to go. =(
Goodbye, friend.
And then Walter came over and seemed to be in a bad mood. He started pushing everyone else away, and Magnet switched in to see Walter constantly rubbing against trees before leaving. I later learned it was because the Demon Gazelle had fleas and didn't want anyone else to catch them. ^^;
jhfdfhsjdf I missed. I
Darn you physical training! >___< fkdlf. ...
I was thinking through that
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
I'm more mad at myself
I thought she was gone too.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
Lul it wasn''t such a breif
~Liëka~FIU~~Artemis/Hunter~Troll~Deer Of Deermuda~Mourner~Irish Elk~~Iranu and Uvavu~
Current obsessions:
I know Troll was there, but
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
Yeah this was one of those