Antics 11-22 to 27-08

Pegasicorn's picture
For 6 days of shots, I surprisingly don't have that many. It's mostly due to my sister being on the desktop more than me, which means less Forest time (or laggy time via the ancient laptop), and therefore, less screenshots. *shrug* Ah well. I'll upload what I have before they build up on me. XD

The ninja-deer Kinsha has been spending a lot of time in the Forest lately, and on last Saturday, he found himself falling into his habit of spying on others. But of course he got caught, and ended up being chased around the whole Forest by Clementine. He waited until she seemed to give up before dropping back to the ground from the tree he took cover in. It was near the pond, and he managed to catch a semi-closeup shot.

Sent in Magnet the next day to hang out with Her and GoldenWinged. They goofed around at the Playground for awhile. We were in iScribble talking about different ways to look silly with button combos. The timing of this shot just amuses me:

I'll leave the caption up to you. Laughing out loud
Then they sorta formed a singing line. O.o

Magnet felt awkward doing that. XD He'll never call out that much for no reason again.

After falling in the pond and thus losing his mask, Magnet didn't want to reveal himself (not a fan of showing his face), so Scape switched in.
Y'know, the peacock pelt kinda grows on you after awhile.

Oh noes! The bank's eating them! D8 ...kidding. XD
Should mention that Draak and Trinket were at the pond, too. Trinket left not long after, though. =(
Draak decided to make Scape look like my ninja-deer (Raz and I were talking in iScribble after everyone else left ^^; ). I wonder if Ravenflight figured that out, cuz she found the two of them afterwords. XD A naked deer came up to them, looking sad. We soon figured out they wanted set help, so off the group went.

There was too much crowding around that sleeping fawn, causing the other deer to lead us to the Ruins, where 2 sleeping deer were not far from each other. (Draak stayed behind at the fawn while Raz was AFK.) Soon enough, Scape and Ravenflight got that deer the pelt they wanted. =] Then there was a short attempt to get Scape his pelt, but that just led to some pelt silliness on all three (Draak had caught up). XD We had a full-orca Scape, a golden Ravenflight, and an orange Draak.
Cut to the incredibly good aim at the cage:

Ravenflight got up there first, then my aim was scarily good as you can see by the glow. o.o After a few tries, Draak's aim was great, too. Well-aimed cage-dancing for the win. XD

Skip to 2 days later. Magnet met Trinket's other deer Vincent, who was acting out-of-character.

Don't mind the random floating Haru picto from 'Net listening. Laughing out loud Vincent was switched to Trinket cuz of the OOC-ness, and then Draak arrived, but Magnet had to go, as I was being kicked off the computer. ^^; He came back later to an empty Forest, so he just walked around admiring the scenery. The poppies seemed nicer-looking than normal from the angle I saw them, and with the trees framing them just right...

On Thursday, while most people were feasting and celebrating the holiday, I would be doing that the next day, so I was just sitting around at home doing nothing. And my sister had taken over the desktop. As it's harder to interact with others on the old laptop, I sent in the ninja as I had been doing more and more often, as the desktop was occupied more than it used to be.
Kinsha found himself being followed as he was walking around. The other deer (Ravyn) was one who had figured out how to keep the white pelt without losing it or having the cast command. They weren't being hyper and seemed calm, so he tolerated being followed. Heck, he kinda liked the company. Laughing out loud I thought it was kinda cute how she sat by him in the poppy patches. =]

Take the shots however you want. He's as unsure as I am. Laughing out loud 'Cept I'm amused too.
Blackhoof's picture

HA! Clementine found you!

HA! Clementine found you!


She felt bad about it in the end though. That was the last
time I saw you... I think?

You gave Clem quite the exorsize.
You showed her how sluggish she really is X D

Feed Me!

Pegasicorn's picture

Nah, she kept up really well

Nah, she kept up really well actually. And don't feel bad about it. Kinsha actually had fun trying to evade her. Laughing out loud

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Draak's picture

xD the Pond lulz, and trying

xD the Pond lulz, and trying to sit on Corvus who changed to Draak, and Draak trying to "ninja in" XD

That with the cage, awesomness flukeness with aiming 8D
Pegasicorn's picture

Not trying to sit on Corvus.

Not trying to sit on Corvus. Trying to sit on Draak, cuz I saw the switch. =B And Draak did ninja in. o.o

Yay for good aim! 8D

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Draak's picture

ohhh xD lol Draak: >_> <_<

ohhh xD lol
Draak: >_> <_< >_>