Alo's Log--Entry 1

ThunderMint's picture
I made a new friend today, who was another fawn. I hope to see them again, as having them around made it easier to merge with adults that kept stopping by.
We both were polite in greeting each other, and began our fun by hopping all around.
This of course, quickly dissolved in to some fun spell spamming. We first started with masks, then I followed my companion to the pond and continued our fun with antler spells. Before you could blink, there were more deers than you could count all crowded around us. I got a little nervous after a while and ran off to have some time alone.
After that, I spent the remainder of the time trying to find my friend again, which I did just before both of us had to leave the Forest.

Even though I have only lived in this "Endless Forest" as most call it for a few days, I like it. Now if only that giant raven would leave the ruins...I feel like its there to keep me from my favorite place...
