ALL THIS SCREAMING - Shaila (Online)

Shaila's picture

"all this screaming sounds
like music"

young adult
magpie pelt, key antlers, real deer mask

skull mask


shaila is more the type to keep to herself, preferring to be peacefully sitting beside the watering hole. though she loves having and making friends, she really doesn't do so often because of her tendency to be on the "quiet" side. she is rather wise for her age, giving off the illusion of being an almost regal creature.


Brother: Tanarus (played by Ilute)

Comment to apply!


met up with karris and spent some time in the woods with her. danced with a fawn in the tree too!

personal bio is under works!

Salome's picture

That's the magpie pelt! (:

That's the magpie pelt! (:
Shaila's picture

Oh ok! Thank you so much!

Oh ok! Thank you so much!

Tracking this. :'D

Tracking this. :'D
Shaila's picture

Yay! Thank you ^^

Yay! Thank you ^^

Shaila's picture

Also if anyone wants to

Also if anyone wants to roleplay, please just post here saying you want to. Don't rp on this page :3 I will make another blog entry and post the link if you wish to RP. Keeps things less cluttered :3

Sypris's picture

lovely bio. ♥

lovely bio. ♥
Shaila's picture

Thank you so much! The codes

Thank you so much! The codes are just modified from someone.. But I can't remember who it was >< It started with a U... I'd love to credit them if anyone knows.

Heh, I wouldn't mind RPing

Heh, I wouldn't mind RPing with her. c: If that's alright, I mean~
Wotsits's picture

Track. C: (Also, could you

Track. C:

(Also, could you put your css under the cut as it's messing up the biography section. If you don't know how to do this please look here Thanks <3)

Shaila's picture

That sounds great! Did you

That sounds great! Did you have anything specific in mind? :3

Shaila's picture

Thanks for the track! And

Thanks for the track! And thanks for all the help :3 I was wondering what that mysterious button meant XD

Don't mind, really. c: Up to

Don't mind, really. c: Up to you. You can RP with Soroka, Karris or Butterfly~ <3
Shaila's picture

I'd be willing to rp with any

I'd be willing to rp with any of them! Whichever one you wish to play is fine with me :3

I guess Karris.

I guess Karris. <3
Shaila's picture

Ok sounds good! Would you

Ok sounds good! Would you like to RP on your bio, or in a separate thread? :3