January 4, 2009 - 5:33am — Anzel
I stare at the map and I really want to cry. I stare at the maps, all the maps in the world, that show me where I'm not. That show me that he is there, in that plane, flying to there.
That those deer are together in the forest, playing, like I can't.
All these locations, all the locations in the world but I'm not allowed to go to any one of them. I'm stuck here in a place that's only on a map if you squint.
Now you see why I hate geography.
Lol, I'm reading a book, and felt like ranting. No reason. Blah. I see Rowan, Quad, Tabi, Atiq, Bellamy in the forest.
And I know my ex-bf is flying back to Canada, and once he's back, he will have a new girlfriend, and...
...I would like to destroy all maps and all locations. I want there to be one dimension =_= Blah
Let's make a huge bonfire
*hugs you*
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Can we roast marshmallows,
x3;; Heh, I'm better now, I