Last night was dark and sad somehow~ But today started better. Fale was runnig back to the places where she hide as fawn, those purple and red flower places. Later she met some other deers and a random dance party started. They all had the same anklers. Fale met a fawn she spend some time with and she's thinking she met Sharun. (Shadowchild) She still dont know who the fawn was. =/
But it was alot of fun. Suddenly someone casted a spell on her so she was a frog. o.o!!
Well hello! I seem to be
--Stays a lonely Seele
Yes it's me. It was really
Heya Seele ^^ Fale just saw
na xD freut mich ^.^ hab grad erst gesehen, dass doch nen paar deutsche da sind~
lol...was für ein seltsamer
It's fine, I just thought
--Stays a lonely Seele
<3 Ya thats true. ^^ Was
Ya thats true. ^^ Was just a 'Oh hey!' situation. So~ i'm going on to torture everyone with my english ò.ó!!!
you're english is very
I agree with Shadowchild,
--Stays a lonely Seele