Abseilen for Cicadia

I had loads of fun with her design, some of my favorite colors AND metal, winwinwin. Haha!

ps. I hope I didn't get your hopes up for something traditional when I said painted ._. lol I promise, it wouldn't be nearly this good if I had used traditional paints.
cicadia's picture

Rofl I was just thinking

Rofl I was just thinking "WAUGH COLOR?!" when I heard paints- it's cool. 8|

Dammit Tera, this is so awesome- The dynamic and the hair and the stripes and the colors and- the shadow- and-


Thank you so so so much Tera. ♥
OrinocoFlow's picture

Whoa yours is great!!!

Whoa yours is great!!! Laughing out loud

Gives me a lot of inspiration Laughing out loud
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis

I was waiting to see this,

I was waiting to see this, and he's fantabulous 8D
Your posing skills--I want them!

Mmmm, Tera art.. The pose

Mmmm, Tera art..
The pose looks like it was a bucket of fun and a half to draw. Plus those stripes? I'm jealous of how epic they look.

Moooooore Tera arts >8C more more MORE