Hahhaha this is probably the biggest art I have ever done and I’m missing two characters from it.
But then again the pun of it being three men and a little lady (like that old film with Tom Selleck) wouldn’t work as well.
I frigging love this little herd though, you have a hyper and troublesome teenage female Ariana who belongs to Bunnycorn, a grumpy and social inept stag called Thorn who belongs to my friend LostintheEcho, a wise older guy called … well OldMan to Laz ahah, who belongs to Kezra, and my cowardly councilman Lazarus.
This background is called *lorry drives past honking*
Sai and a mouse. Characters aren't mine except for the one that is. Please do not use/reference in any way unless you own that character <3
Here they are singularly too;
As one big tumblr post.
I will add Yrona and Rose in at some point since they are honorary members of this ragtag herd.
Oh, this is awesome,
Yrona really appreciates the company of these guys. :')
Ohmy. I freaking love this.
this turned out amazing, love
Of course Bunny ;3; And
And thank you all kindly <33
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Yay. ;u; Thank you.<33