This is the 10th time! LITERALLY!

Gruffen's picture
I just got my new Monoprice tablet (the bigger one) and ive installed the driver 10 times now and it still doesn't work! You guyts know mpore than me! Any tips?
ShikaTale's picture

Hm, mine were I just had to

Hm, mine were I just had to install the disc. Maybe take screens of the installation? I can't help you without better information :C
Gruffen's picture

my comp won't let me take

my comp won't let me take screenies...My dad is good with computers he'll probably fix it...
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! RP with me please!
ShikaTale's picture

Just press the 'Prt scrn'

Just press the 'Prt scrn' button, then go to paint, then hold the 'Cntrl' and 'V' letter