-SOUL»-'Demon‘ Hunter' Male/stag ♂ ORIENTATION;Bisexual DIET;Omnivorous AGE.27 human years Approximate to 15 SPEECH in 4682b4 VOICE;NEW Kougami Shinya × Dorian Gray SPECIES;Unknown Demonic × possibly hybrid HO*ME - FACE:NEW Minimum activity, indifference, energy inward, estrangement. wip | > CHAOS»Soul divided into two living energy reserves puzzle. The dying child was rewarded extension of his life, but it was a mistake, the child turned into a creature that could not stand the world, and only a hellish world it was able to withstand, so the child has become a curse for all living things. . Breaking into the world of the expense of the curse, he settled in a vessel that is doomed to suffering. But the one who was supposed to die, was not always absorbed in the black, it is a fallen angel, his soul was half dark and absorption of ancient vessels, this problem was for this child (on this subject, I will write another story ). In the last minutes of the floor was a strange man with the horns of the dragon, he possessed great power, the young man regretted the child and his stupidity, decided to give part of their energy to prolong the life of a boy, and here it is a mistake, confining himself in the image of the soul, of the soul who took the darkness. Forming a lump powerful energy to which the world was not ready. Destroyer. His name was: Mikael (Mikaela) . His real name. Will his world, and the will of the other particles of the soul - the soul sveloy - he will live. Does it alienate the world with its power, and the soul of Chaos will be doomed to suffering of other living beings, penetrating into other people's lives, the destruction attempts. His angry and finding the one who ruined his life. Dark Matter. It feeds fears and sins. Manipulates living beings. Its size reaches about 8 m. This increase is not known, it appears in rare form, his physique is usually forms a smoke - black smoke coming as steam coming post.It is known as the hellish devil, perhaps the necromancer. Its creation was created ritual, the image of the destruction and sin. he devil is waiting in the wings -Darkness and light in one Warning transformation; The beast awakens under the fury, his name is not known but some called him -CHAOS - bearing destruction and fear .This black shell consisting of hellfire and the insides of the abyss. Its disadvantage is that it will crush and gives the slack to Soul. The strength of this creature is great, but for the application of the substance will not be possible or urgent cases (possession of the soul, power and tremendous strength) - the application may not be possible, because the ability to not be huge. Devil breathes fear conventional view, that there were wounds on the body of Soul ignite, turning into hell-fire of the aura, the color has a mutation. Horn of twisted, sharp and long. Height privyshaet. Warning, gather in groups of 4 or 5 individuals in order to overcome that, he is not omnipotent but not death. Be careful, rational Soul goes into oblivion, you can save it with positive emotions (warmth, voice or simple pleasures) *The image allows you to stay in your mind, but there are times when there is a fierce rush, waking Soul can not remember what he had done, he could kill someone. (Danger!) - Do not ever liked solitude, but eventually he began to live with loneliness all these years -. He loves animals, loves good music, a sense of comfort in any weather, often freezes (not very fond of, but used) He likes to drink beer, especially with his friend. Loves to sleep, he said it was an excellent feeling. Sometimes dreamy, romantic. He likes to listen to the sounds of nature, or just sitting in the headphones. He knows well the languages (English, Latin, Russian, French, Japanese) .He plays an instrument (guitar, violin, piano). good singing voice. Tastefully clothing. Constantly thinking about... (different and it is not clear). Thoughtful, flying (in the clouds). He loves his mansion . *Family Soul, which he knew had been a hell of parents married their marriage was forbidden srl, he cursed Soul. Grandma, that's who he only knew of the family, she was abnormal and not adequate, she never told me separately, was a prophet, was fond of voodoo and all devilry. She died when I was 13 years old. Only relative .She said that in me there is a being that thirst for freedom, they will move power and corruption, I knew who he was even at 16, he spoke, I thought that was crazy and I have schizophrenia .But over the years I have knew this creature, strength, power, he tried to blow me that the fact that it would be beneficial .I had never released, I thought of it first bad, then good. And now I do not know who he fact, what he wants is to get rid of. He scares me, but fascinating. Hell, all I can say about it. My parents cursed me with his marriage, I do not feel any anger or despair, but my life is ruined. ***** MishaLoves. Huge influence .Insert greed and violence. . Fjord good friend. cheerful company, comfort-favorite. Benjamin good friend. cheerful company, comfort.favorite. Kaalagood friend. He appreciates his cheerful nature. Feeling of comfort . Nemesisgood conversationalist. pleasant company. . RoscoePast . MestA great friend. Supports. Protect it. . JennieGames with her for me the most interesting. •Interested:Sasha; Echo MishaLoves. Huge influence .Insert greed and violence. . Fjord good friend. cheerful company, comfort-favorite. Benjamin good friend. cheerful company, comfort.favorite. Kaalagood friend. He appreciates his cheerful nature. Feeling of comfort . Nemesisgood conversationalist. pleasant company. . RoscoePast . MestA great friend. Supports. Protect it. . JennieGames with her for me the most interesting. •Interested:Sasha; Echo |
Track *_*
TRACK *,,,*
Thank you very much ~
Yes, of course we will be friends ^^
—@" Emikomi:
Thank you very much, your bio is also very well .3
You are most welcome c: I'm
—@" Emikomi: Very glad to
Very glad to hear it ~ **
Track. ^^ I wanted to
I wanted to roleplay with your Soul, you do not mind? c:
No, I don't mind it will be
it will be very interesting .3
Usually I play roleplay when
Yes, of course well, now I
well, now I know what you look like ^^
Hah. Well, I start. x) Alian
Alian was walking in forest, felt the long-awaited arrival of summer. Feeling the thrill of a bird's wing, doe looked up and saw a dove. Its white feathers admired the doe and her long time could not tear her gaze from him. But abruptly drew attention Alian scent. The smell that she never confuse with others. Quickly ran on to his source, met two deer. Doe and male, who lay in a circle of mushrooms and enjoyed day. Demon? Long tail Alian was nervously walking from side to side and red eyes ingrained in the male. Do not be! They're still alive? Alian's body was trembling with fear and anger. And she hid behind the nearest tree, began to observe.
Sorry for the delayed
I ask forgiveness for not literacy
Morning, waking up in a good mood, a few hours watching the butterflies circling over his head, a gentle breeze blew over the long mane of hair is black, blue-gray eyes and semi openly enjoyed the weather and the review of the sky, no hunting arose and began to drive listening ears, nose and leading the pointed ends, walked slowly to the watering
To the Soul immediately ran his friend, Orion-skipping with joy, hugging him, Soul leaned slightly hugged his little a friend
- Soul ..!
looking down on the Orion
- Umm?
- Let's play on, come on conjuring
Soul could not refuse a friend, he was very lenient sometimes, but always kind, especially to your friends of friends for the Soul has become very playful
even if it has been stored and demon blood, demons from the past seven elite.
Soul had not thought about it ...
- Okay, let's go
not a big step to reaching the mushroom circle lay where it was softer
nekotroe time they vmsete shalili one above the other, the results of Soul got a small increase in long laughed at each other
ears turned to the side and a little tapping noise
Turning his head to the side who taunted for no apparent reason .. oh no it was like to venture a fight
Soul was brash and totally without friends predatory
but this time, it would just be indifferent, but not here, realizing that a number of his friend that growth is still less
Soul decided to not go directly into the disassembly, quietly decided to first ask before sneezed mini and got my real growth
- Hello ... what do you want?
not rude and not polite to ask
lifting the tail proudly lifting his face, so that could see the sharp end of his with sharp fangs, eyes looked proudly at the doe
strongly uperevshis feet on the ground put forward a slightly fluffy chest
I enjoyed it very annoying .......
Do not worry about
Alian was absorbed by a dark past, because he heard that the demon turns to her, her legs were told to flee. Away, so it would have more flesh pierced demonic fangs. But doe stepped forward and said, in a trembling voice. You ... You're a hell of a bantling... Alian has taken a step to the meeting, beginning to express their anger. Lowering her head, ready to spring for deer, fallow deer clouded mind. She knew that she needed to escape, but she wanted to take revenge. All demons. She wanted them their death, and seeing how he and his girlfriend are having fun together, Allure almost lost my head. How can she be with him? How can a play with a demon?
Soul's eyes widened slightly,
Soul's eyes widened slightly, but again came to the normal view ... to take a step forward ...
I can not understand this doe, but it scares the Orion and I do not like the behavior is
Soul began to approach chasing away deer
Alian nothing could not help
Soul stopped attack growl
growl ...
• - Go away!
- Your threat for me is indifferent
growling menacingly Soul covered of his friend, his eyes shining with heavenly violently paint, black tail develops in the breeze was elevated, and massive feet firmly on the ground, strong body - pure and white, a little show off some still unhealed scars that were Soul conventional
Not that? Do not you kill me,
Soul in bewilderment, unable
Soul in bewilderment, unable to understand the words of the first, but after the second said deer, Soul attacked the deer shooing her, pushing horns, not much, so it would not hurt the deer and not to do with the scar or wound, Saul did not want to do what that stupid and nedoumnym beings pain
at the end of snarled
- not you out of your mind, go away!
I'll be back, demon! And know
Soul did not listen say doe,
Track! Soul is a miracle! I
Soul is a miracle! I very much want to make friends with him.
hello again and whats does
and whats does the ?+ mean?
- @ "Tuyno Thank you, I want
Thank you, I want to know more about you and eventually become good friends
- @ "Red Raptor 96
I apologize for that ^ ^
Soul sometimes just does not always feel that Rhoda takes him for a friend, but Soul knows exactly what Rnoda his friend -on the mark "?" - Not sure of reciprocity
okay and also why i was
I'm sorry that just didn't
no worrys i got my mask
oo, that's good ^^ I'm sorry
I'm sorry that I could not help you right away T^T
wheres Rhoda? shes still your
of course friends, but Rnoda
Okay and neat bio arme
Thanks a lot ^^
for you
sorry for mirroring
Nunu is really happy to see
• - "@ Kikinkacze Thank you,
Thank you, that's very nice ^^
• - "@Emikomi
I am also very happy to see you in the woods, I waited a long time your return of ;3
sorry about freezing i'm
I understand ^^ We are also
I understand ^^
We are also quite warm, very warm, ..
very warm May
now its 84 degres out side
wow, that's hot, with this in
wow, that's hot, with this in the number of degrees you have not the head spinning?
It's just a stuffy!!
I hope that by the evening it will be easier to you
We in the evening the day vsegolish +15 (it only today), but because we are close to the Baltic Sea and I am closer to the North-West, but even so, we can be very hot
ohh, you feed the birds?
it is very good ^^
Unfortunately I can not do for themselves and a bird feeder tagzhe feed the birds, I live in a large five storey building, and I live at the fifth floor, but on my windowsill always sitting down birds, pigeons are always more - wood pigeons, I sometimes just a box of bread sill .... he always has been eaten by them
lol don't worry i'm inside
I live in North Carolina aka The South! i see lots of wildlife we have racoons opossoms ugh! WhiteTailed Deer (we live by a creek) and lots and lots of birds Hawks Herons Songbirds Falcons Doves Pigeons etc
and my mom is making pasta soo i might freeze in the middle of runing lets say to take a bite of food cuz i can eat at my desk
Wow, that's great nature, to
in my time zone is 11.23 hours (night)
Unfortunately I have to go out this time and go to bed, or else tomorrow I will not be able to get up in the morning..
hope that tomorrow we will again be together and play the game, I would be very glad if you would also like to continue so interesting and paddle to talk with me, it is my pleasure to communicate with you and be in the same company with you =)
sure! but i got to go shoping
i won't be on to much today cuz we are going shoping my mom upset she wants good coffee! i like the pumpken coffee but she don't so we going to get the coffee we normally drink lol
yes i know i'm 11 but i can drink a little coffee i like it lol
I also love horses, for the
It is a pity that you are busy and can not spend time with me in the game, but I'll wait for you, and meet you tomorrow ... if I have a very get go because tomorrow I normally scheduled day goes guitar, I can go on sovemu time zone or five or six, but I'll try to come home and turn on the game that would have remained in the game Soul
helllo! i can play in forest
also yesterday was another 84 85 degress day but thats noting compared to two years ago the summer was 95 96 94 etc ugh!! glad that was over!
tea is good i don't like it as good as coffee though my mom is picky about her coffee lol she hates starbucks coffee i do too i like maxwell house coffee (brand we use) its great! my mom likes it too so does my dad
i'm geting in forest now
Oh, how many do you have
Today must be the thunder and lightning, i like a lot of lightning with thunder ..
I'm sorry that I did not have as many days in the game, I was a little busy, in addition I ran out of money on the internet two days came home at night to four hours, you do not have museums?
May 17th, we had the "Night of Museums" I took participates to four o'clock in the, and the day before yesterday, my grandfather was a birthday yesterday and I went somewhere to 12:00 ....
And just today at the of the internet and I came to the game
I hope today you wake in the game^^
~~ Track ~~