You will not like me {Lucyfer's Diary} 10th June 2010
June 10, 2010 - 11:18pm — kovah

I met a brown doe today that seemed almost suitable to be the mother of my heir a little scrawny but possibly she will have to do, I returned her affections with a nuzzle and perhaps things would have been perfect lest a little faun kept interrupting us. The female seemed to care for it which was unfortunate. The mother of my faun should only care for it, not others pathetic little beasts. Then the little thing DARED to lower its nubby little head at me when I refused to acknowledge it's right to be on this planet, never the less after rearing and bellowing it seemed to get the picture and leave...or so I thought as it cowered before me.
Though it didn't leave completely and I left the pair when I realised I was not going to get any where with this doe and with the rage threatening to get the better of me, the last thing I need is another body on my hooves and went for a drink. Only for them to follow me.
The little creature bellowed at me again from the edge of the water and the doe tried to entice it into the shallows with us, apparently she didn't get that I wanted us to be alone Then another worthless faun joined the first and danced around me. I had had enough and ran to the rocks in the playground and lay in the shade, it seemed I had lost them.
I saw you 3 today ; ( these
Wish you can be alone with this doe next time
I hate it when fawns don't