Why are so many people pushing the addition of wolves to TEF?

I'm basically writing this because I feel loopy from bein sick and cause it's something I've wondered for a while.
Now, I like wolves. I'd like to play a game where I AM a wolf--that's why I'm downloading Wolf Quest right now. Another reason fer this--I'm tryna kill some time and I can't write my story things because my brain says no.
But why are so many people wanting wolves in the forest? Now, I'm not talkin about th people that want it just to be, like, another forest thing--like the birds and the frogs and the whatnot. Whatchamacallit. Like...AI stuff. Because personally, I think it would be cool to add wolves as a sort of background effect. I mean all the people that want to work around being a deer so they can actually BE a wolf.
Guys, I know it's been a while without Impressive Title. The wait for Feral Hearts has been difficult for me to endure as well. And goshdarnit, there just aren't enough diverse animal mmos out there for us beasts-at-heart!
But people, TEF isn't, as far as I can tell, meant to be a diverse animal mmo. I've read the plan on the official website. You are a deer. Specifically, a male deer. You can turn into other, non-hostile animals with spells. You can roleplay other animals with masks.(As fer a wolf mask, sure, I'm cool with it.)But in the end, we are deer. That is the point of the game. The whole FOCUS of the game, simply, is to be a deer. Its diversity lies in the accessories--masks, pelts, antlers. Not in the actual base, the animal itself.
I'm not saying I'm mad or anything. I get it. Wolves are coo. But it seems like a lot of ideas I come across on the official concept thread are suggesting some way to turn us into wolves. I didn't come to this game to be a wolf, and I'm pretty sure when YOU downloaded it, you weren't expecting at some time in the future for them to incorporate the possibility of being a wolf when the creators haven't even hinted at such a thing(far as I can tell, anyway.)
I'm kind of rambling here and I apologize. I'll wrap it up.
Basically, my point is, I don't get it. I don't get why so many people seem to be trying so hard to tack something on to TEF that simply isn't meant to be there and wouldn't fit at all if it was--I guess it would make sense if we were pushing for lots of more playable animals, like elk and bears and eagles and salamanders and raccoons and cougars and what have you. But no. It's wolves, wolves, wolves.
So people, please. I love wolves. But I also love--and prefer--TEF as it is. It can stand alone without them--it stands alone /great/, I think. If you want wolves, give Wolf Quest a shot. If you don't like that, either find another game, be content with what you have, or go make your own wolf game.
Like I said, not trying to pick a fight here. Just trying to give people a little perspective, I guess.
fayne's picture

I like this. :B

I like this. :B
ShadowsofLight's picture

I don't understand the

I don't understand the obsession either.

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Sonata's picture

Why do people make cats Why

Why do people make cats
Why do people make demons
Why are there a few birds
a dragon or two

Why do people do what they do?
Why do people on wolf quest give their realistic wolves odd powers?

granted my 'wolf' character isn't a wolf at all, but a dog/bird, my Fursona, me, but I digress.
If I want to make a wolf, I will, why shouldn't people? you don't have to interact with them, you don't have to make them, nobody is forcing you.

If people wish to create something, they will.

If someone wishes to jump off a bridge, they will.

You don't have to, people will do what people will do, to question it is a bit pointless, it won't change anything.

I haven't seen people pushing for wolves as playable animals.

I hate wolfquest.
I have looked for other games.
I'm sure others have as well.

So no, I will not 'be content with what I have' just because it upsets one or two or fifteen or twenty people.

so there's my perspective.

Amen Sonata (:

Amen Sonata (:

Well, yeah, I don't have a

Well, yeah, I don't have a problem with wolves. Like I said, being a wolf is fun. I just don't get why people download a game where the whole point is to be a deer and then start pushing to be able to play a wolf. To me it's kind of like commissioning an artist to paint a mountain landscape and then asking them why there aren't any household appliances sitting around.
If you want a wolf fursona, go ahead. If you want to pretend your deer is a wolf(though I don't know how you'd go about that)okay, though I don't really see the point. I'm not bashing the roleplay. I'm asking why people are asking to add wolves as a legitimate playable animal in the forest when the creators don't seem to be interested in the idea--as far as I can tell, they certainly haven't supported it--and when it was clear on the website: you are a deer. Screw around, moo, wear masks, do magic, but dude, you are still a deer. Like I said, being a deer is the focus of TEF. If you like rping that yer a wolf, go for it, I can't stop you. But please just stop trying to fix what ain't broke.

*after edit*
Okay, well, maybe it's not as big an issue as I originally thought. Sorry if I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. It's just that whenever I stop by the concept threads, someone's talking about wolf masks or a wolf area in the forest where you can be a wolf or there are wolves or you can turn others into wolves askljalsjhf.
I'm really not trying to step on anyone's toes here, it's just that it seemed to me like it was a popular idea and I am really just asking Why.
quadraptor's picture

I think it all has to do with

I think it all has to do with them being an endangered species and all + isn't the female the leader or something? I think wolf fans really like that since the majority of them are girls. I really don't know the whole wolf deal, I'm a deer fan and thus was attracted here.

I do approve of this post, though. Came very close to posting one of my own, but really I do agree. If you look on the Forums in the 'suggestions' section, there are countless posts that ask for wolves in this game, and M & A have made it very clear that TEF is for deer.

I think if people want to be wolves but hate Wolfquest, they should wait for Feral Hearts to come out. While Impressive Title was supposed to be a lion game, the overwhelming majority of players declared their characters to be wolves or other animals (I had Quad on there as a deer Eye ). I think when Feral Hearts is finished, they'll let you be whatever animal you want.

I personally am not a wolf fan only because of the internet fanbase. I have nothing against wolves themselves, and will support efforts to protect them and their habitats. It's just the people who are obsessed with wolves and laugh at me because my favorite animal is what their favorite animal considers to be prey. It's the people who think there's something wrong with me for liking deer rather than wolves that I hate. That's why I cannot say that I am a fan of wolves.

There seem to be two kinds of wolf fans - those who are absolutely obsessed (the ones who pretty much think about wolves 24/7), and those who are true wolf fans that see them as their totem animal, enjoy having wolf stuff in their house, but live their lives normally and not with obsession. My brother is the second type - he has always loved wolves but they don't rule his life.

Ah well, there's my two cents. This isn't meant to be an attack on anyone, just agreeing with you that there is something odd going on about all this wolfiness.
Sonata's picture

I don't RP as a wolf, as I've

I don't RP as a wolf, as I've said, she's a dog, but that's beside the point.

I don't think I have seen many people pushing to have wolves as playable animals, in fact, I personally have never seen anyone saying any such thing.

You can't play as a magpie.

Yet we have a magpie mask, yet I've seen a magpie character.

I have many different characters, so do most people here, now, I'm not ranting or anything because I want to RP as a wolf, far from it, I don't have any wolf characters, nor do I desire any.

Sometimes, it's fun to imagine, yes we all realize there will be no wolf masks, no new addition to the forest. But it's fun to consider what it would be like if we did have such things.

How do you pretend to be anything on TEF?

have you seen me trying to fix anything?
Have you seen anyone else ranting about how we cannot play wolves?

So yes you are a deer.
Or a demon.
or a bird
or whatever you like.

One of my deer wears hearts on his antlers that still beat, including his own.

And yet this is more realistic than wolves?

Another of my 'deer' is part rat, and has a human face.
Is that more easy to see than a wolf?

No. It isn't, you don't have to see or think about or want anything you don't feel like hearing, seeing, or wanting.

as I've said, TEF is a peice of interactive art, a wall of sorts for everyone to leave their mark upon.
Just because one person 'draws' a wolf upon that wall, does not mean you do.
fayne's picture

Sonata, refer to the "Ideas

Sonata, refer to the "Ideas and Suggestions" section on the Forums and you will see exactly what Quad's talking about.
Sonata's picture

I have. I believe that it is

I have.
I believe that it is easily ignored.

People only see what they want to see.
People take time to do, only what they wish to do.

Don't bother clicking on such things, or leave if you don't wish to read them.
There are far worse things that people could do than toss out a suggestion that clearly won't change the forest.

if M&A were saying they were thinking about making wolves, then I could see a reason to post a blog on it all.

But they are not. And will not. So this discussion is a setup for a neverending circle of arguements.

Sonata, please, calm down.

Sonata, please, calm down. I'm not arguing against pretending or asking for it--I am not arguing. I'm not protesting the presence of these suggestions. I'm not saying I am bothered by the fact that people want wolves in the game.
I was just asking why the idea seemed popular to me. Have I offended you somehow? I really didn't mean to. I value your opinion, I really do, and I get what you're saying, and it makes sense. People do what people do. If it bothers me, ignore it. Which I do.
It doesn't bother me. I'm not saying light your torches, fetch your pitchforks, drive out the wolf-lovers.
I am just. Asking. Why. Because I am genuinely curious.
I didn't mean to create a big deal out this thing. I'll shut up now.
Sonata's picture

I'm not easily offended, I am

I'm not easily offended, I am simply easily annoyed, especially as of late due to certain complications in my life, and having seen this...opinion, arguement, note, as many times as I have, it gets a bit old.
I am perfectly calm despite how it may seem, I am most always perfectly calm, as I have said, I am simply...easily irked.

In any case, my words, your words, anybody's words, will change nothing, so I'll walk away from it now that I feel my bit has been throughly stated.
Amazon's picture

I feel that both The Endless

I feel that both The Endless Forest and its community have evolved with time—and with this growth, the amount of creativity here. For some, the Forest has become sort of a place for experimentation. This site encourages players to think, "What new ideas can I come up with for my characters? What if this creature was made to interact with the others in this environment?"
I once read a post in which one of the creators mentioned how much they enjoyed the many player-made designs that were inspired by their game. I think it's okay to stray a little bit. (:

Some people play The Endless Forest but have never visited the community site.
These players will not recognize those cat, bird, or wolf characters for their species.
However, the community members who wish to acknowledge these player decisions will.
Sonata's deer Vilnius, for example, wears the in-game poppies in his antlers, but we may choose to see them as hearts. We can imagine these changes without new Forest avatars, of course. :3

Hmm... I hope this helps. x3;

Seed's picture

I think the question being

I think the question being asked isn't just "why other creatures/designs?" but "Why wolves? Specifically wolves as the single most popular thing?"

I think the answer is that wolves are to animal-loving adolescent girls (probably the core demographic of TEF) as vampires are to romance-reading adolescent girls. They're popular. There's an edge of danger but also, in the semi-popular awareness, the "misunderstood, gentle creature" route. It's the same as romance novels: "Oh, he looks scary, and everyone says they're horrible, but really he's noble and misunderstood!"

People eat that up. They're a ludicrously popular animal, especially among RPers, where wolf RP was, when I was in the forum-based RP circle, the largest sub-genre of animal RPs (horses were second.)

TEF is a really unique experience. There's a mellow relaxing quality you do not find in other animals MMORPGS, and a creative community. The current market of wolf-based games just don't have that.

The people who want wolves, specifically, probably want Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, so to speak. "You got wolves in my creative idyllic game! You got a peaceful idyllic game in my wolves!" What I suspect they want is what TEF has, but with wolves.

I'm just guessing based on what I read from posts asking for wolves. Very rarely do they mention the idea of wolves and deer together, or what that will bring to the game.

People who make deer who are not deer is, I think, an entirely different topic, as it would have a completely different answer. Like, totally different, so it's not the same question.

edit: sorry if that sounds a little dismissive... But yeah. Not all people that like wolves have the thought process outlined, but I do not believe for an instant that that's not a key part of the popularity. People like things that can have all the cool of badness, but in such a way they can negate/de-emphasize the bad. Wolves are cool, but except their handling in media, there's nothing to say "this obviously is 60 times cooler than all other animals, believe it!" on such a scale as they have.
Freyja's picture

Most people here have already

Most people here have already said my opinion. I just don't really get why you'd play a wolf here? I'm not 100% against it, but i'd never do it. It'd ruin the experience for me. I play a wolf on a different forum, not a game but it's still rping. You don't need a game to rp.

I agree on most of Seed's

I agree on most of Seed's thoughts.

TEF's experience is unique in the way the MMO is handled. It gives an almost ultimate natural and relaxing feel to it. Speaking to each other through body language instead of Chat is a big plus.
Wolves have a very large fan base. Partly because people feel a close connection with them with how they have similar family structures as humans do.
I think what these people want is a wolf game exactly like TEF but with wolves.
Heck, I wouldn’t mind one. : ) Though I’d rather wolves not be put with my deer.
Basically, TEF has exactly the MMO feel the wolf fan base is looking for.

And as a side note, from my experience the wolf fan base has 50-50 with genders of male and female from all ages who RP, draw, or ect wolves. And I’ve been in wolf RPs on and off for several years. :- P

As a side note, my ID name "PrairieWolf" is actually another name for a coyote. Which isn't even a wolf. lol X- D
Chickenwhite's picture

You're making an excellent

You're making an excellent point and I couldn't agree more. The fact of the matter is, wolves are a fashion-animal right at the moment, everyone has something to do with them one way or another and in a few years they'll prolly be replaced with something else, what do I know. I just think it's mal-placed to try and push them into the most docile game ever, when their nature indicates a less relaxed atmosphere than that of deer and tEF.
Aegle's picture

MMM, very good. c: I came

MMM, very good. c:
I came here to be a human faced deer. Not a wolf. I love different animal MMO's but, I like this one how it is. If it went in that direction, I'm afraid I would leave.
Good news is: It's not going to happen.

And to Sonata, I think you may have missed the point. No one says you can't "be" a wolf. You can "be" whatever you like. All that was said is why the obsession with only wolves and why do people keep asking when it's clear that it is not going to happen. c: At least that's what I got.
Verycrazygirl's picture

I support this so hard. P:

I support this so hard. P: