
Laruna's picture
The first screenshot is normal, the rest are experiments... I'm trying to figure out how far I can edit a screenshot to tell a story about an alternate vision of the forest, while allowing the image to maintain some of its original elements. If you like or don't like something about one of the images, I'd like to hear it - critique is welcomed

(alternate title: chargin' my lasers)

"Dream sequence"

3's picture




Links & Info
Serenai's picture

These are

These are beautiful! my Atvana in the first one? ._.
Icon Art © Beloved
Vala 's picture

Hi, I like 3 and 4 !!

Hi, I like 3 and 4 !! Smiling
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Kaoori's picture

haha, 'chargin my lasers'.

haha, 'chargin my lasers'. xD

Your edits are always beautiful. Smiling
Fledermaus's picture

I love the edits

I love the edits <3
And hanging out with Laruna always brightens my day. c:
Laruna's picture

Aww thanks everyone!

Aww thanks everyone! <3

Serenai: That's my deer - apparently - dressing up as Atvana. Laughing out loud But I read your deer's biography just now and s/he sounds fascinating! If you want me to edit a screenshot of Atvana like that, let me know.
Serenai's picture

xD Tripped me out at first! I

xD Tripped me out at first! I was like "...I don't remember this. xD"

Thank you. o///o <3

And, uh...if you'd like to, you're welcome to. Whatever makes you happiest. :3 I don't mind if you don't want to, though. c:
Icon Art © Beloved